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News published about the Covid-19 by Mondragon University


New enrollment and registration dates for Bachelor's Degrees

Enrollment and registration days

New enrollment and registration dates for Bachelor's Degrees

Given the situation caused by the Covid-19, Mondragon University has modified the dates for enrolment and registration for the 2020-2021 academic year.



the situation caused by the Covid-19 has made necessary to modify the dates of the University Entrance Examination (EVAU), Mondragon University has modified the enrolment and registration dates for the Degrees that will begin the 2020-2021 academic year.

According to the information that has been published so far, 

  1. The Evaluation of the High School Diploma for University Access in the Basque Country will take place on July 6, 7 and 8. The calendar includes, among other dates, that the results will be published on July 14th and the extraordinary test will be held on July 20th, 21st and 22nd, and its results will be known on July 27th.
  2. In general, the Ministry has announced that the ordinary meeting in Spain will be held from 22 June to 10 July and the extraordinary meeting before 17 September. The results of the tests will be given before 17 July in the ordinary call and before 23 September in the extraordinary call.

As long as this testing schedule is maintained, the new registration and enrollment dates for the 2020-2021 school year will be as follows:


Ordinary deadline: From November 4, 2019 to July 3, 2020.

Extraordinary deadline: From 16 to 29 July 2020 (in case of vacancies)


Ordinary deadline between 21 and 24 July 2020. In the case of the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences this time frame will from the 22nd to the 27th July 2020.

Extraordinary deadline between 29 and 30 July 2020.

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