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News published about the Covid-19 by Mondragon University


Communiqué from Mondragon University regarding the effects of the 2019-2020 academic year on the exceptional situation of the coronavirus pandemic


Communiqué from Mondragon University regarding the effects of the 2019-2020 academic year on the exceptional situation of the coronavirus pandemic

This morning a meeting was held between the rectors of the Basque University System and the Regional Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, in which the current situation was analysed and a follow-up meeting was scheduled for next week.



As a result of the declaration of a health emergency by the Basque Government and the order to suspend teaching activities in person, Mondragon University is carrying out all its teaching activities online. After the first three weeks of online teaching and evaluation, the assessment is satisfactory.

In line with the University's educational project, MENDEBERRI 2025, Mondragon University has been developing new assessment systems and strategies for some time now, which will enable students to demonstrate their academic development in both face-to-face and virtual formats. In this new context, now more than ever, the University is reaffirming its model of person-centred learning based on continuous assessment, through the performance and evaluation (now in online mode) of exercises, projects, group work, individual work, etc., and other assessment tests consistent with the learning model.

This morning, a meeting was held between the rectors of the Basque University System and the Regional Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, in which the current situation was analysed and a follow-up meeting was scheduled for next week.

At this meeting, Mondragon University announced that it is prepared to respond to the two scenarios that may arise depending on the measures taken to contain the pandemic: continuing (and even completing the course) in the online mode, or returning to the face-to-face mode as soon as the situation allows. Mondragon University will provide information on any decision taken in this respect. In any case, Mondragon University guarantees that the students will fulfil their training commitments and maintain the programmed activity.