Aretxabaleta campus students inaugurate television studio set


Aretxabaleta campus students inaugurate television studio set

aretxabaleta campus

Aretxabaleta campus students inaugurate television studio set

The television studio set on the Aretxabaleta campus has been installed, as has the production control equipment. Audiovisual Communication students have begun practice sessions with the new set-up.



We have inaugurated the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences set and production room on the Aretxabaleta campus. Until now, Audiovisual Communication students carried out practice sessions on the Goiena Communication Group set, but from now on they will do their studio and production assignments on campus.


There were three phases in creating the set. First, in 2015, the set was soundproofed and the heating system was installed. Then, in 2017, lighting was put in, and finally, in 2018, the production control equipment was installed.


Audiovisual Communication students have already begun to broadcast from the set both live and by streaming.