The world's first gastronomic technology centre


The world's first gastronomic technology centre


The world's first gastronomic technology centre

Basque Culinary Center creates the world's first gastronomic technology centre



Basque Culinary Center is taking a huge leap with the creation of the world’s first technology centre specialised in gastronomy, BCC Innovation. The start-up of the centre shows the Basque Culinary Center's commitment to research and innovation, and with this, it aspires to become a global reference. The centre will be part of the Basque Network of Science, Technology and Innovation.

The creation of BCC Innovation reinforces the development of BCC and makes it a pioneering centre that integrates two innovation hubs: the Faculty of Gastronomic Sciences attached to Mondragon Unibertsitatea, and BCC Innovation, Gastronomic Technology Centre. The centre will provide answers to the challenges and needs of 21st-century gastronomy, in the fields of health, quality, sustainability and economy.

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