myGADE celebrates its International Week


myGADE celebrates its International Week

International Week

myGADE celebrates its International Week

MyGADE first-year students have celebrated International Week. This year it was decided to bring the countries to class due to the difficulties to go abroad. This has helped first year students to have a first contact with internationalization



For this, experiences from four countries, China, India, United Kingdom and Mexico have been counted. Experiences of companies and presentations from the country, different participating companies and from the hand of Basque Trade and Investment have been exposed.

On behalf of the companies, they have been with the students Ulma, Ekin and Matz Erreka sharing their experiences. They have also had the opportunity to learn about different sectors, derived from the different activities of each company, focused on forging, broaching machines and automatic doors.

The dynamics with which the students have worked have been very practical and based on reality. Every day they have had a country and a company with them present in that country. To do this, from a different campus (Oñati, Irun and Bilbao) they have had two speakers via streamig or from the country itself: the commercial delegate of the Basque Trade and Investment country and the representative of the company. And of course, there has been a daily work on the part of the students, both before and after the talks.

Before the conferences they had to carry out an analysis of the company and the country in order to get the most out of the conference. And after the conferences, they have created an infographic with the most significant information about the company and the country reflecting their conclusions.

It has been an enriching and shared experience, since the students from Oñati, Irun and Bilbao have been connected in a synchronous way.