Mondragon Unibertsitatea leads the European project InclusiPHE


Mondragon Unibertsitatea leads the European project InclusiPHE

European Project

Mondragon Unibertsitatea leads the European project InclusiPHE

Mondragon Unibertsitatea is leading a European project aimed at engaging the inclusive participation of students, especially "non-traditional" students in Higher Education institutions in Europe



The InclusiPHE project, funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ 2020 programme, led by Mondragon Unibertsitatea and in which 7 other European institutions are involved, (ESU European Student Union, EURASHE Asociacion Europea de entidades de educación superior, the INSTITUT ZA RAZVOJ OBRAZOVANJA in Croatia, MALTA COLLEGE OF ARTS SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, KNOWLEDGE INNOVATION CENTRE in MALTA, DUALE HOCHSCHULE BADEN-WURTTEMBERG in Germany and UC Leuven University, Belgium), will focus its development specifically on Higher Education institutions with greater diversity of “non-traditional” students, such as mature students, continuous training students, students who are parents, migrants, disabled people, etc.

The project is to last for six months and the kick-off meeting was held on 24 February, confirming the official start of the project. The meeting, which lasted for an entire day, although initially scheduled to be held at Mondragon Unibertsitatea, was in the end held online as a result of the current pandemic situation.

InclusiPHE will explore the participation of different students in the life of its institutions. The aim of the project is to improve policies, mechanisms and practices for the inclusive participation of all students, irrespective of their background and circumstances, to involve this collective in all aspects of teaching and learning, their learning experience, quality assurance and institutional decision-making, within the life of the institution, and student life in its broadest sense.

More specifically, the project will focus on:

  • Analysing existing models and patterns in the participation of students in the Higher Education institutions.
  • Identifying best practices and innovative forms of more inclusive participation of the diverse types of students
  • Developing strategies aimed at promoting more inclusive higher education organisations and student organisations.
  • Developing a set of tools for capacity development and carrying out a pilot test on inclusive training for the participation of the students.