Marta Quintas earns a rating of outstanding cum laude for her doctoral dissertation
Marta Quintas earns a rating of outstanding cum laude for her doctoral dissertation
Marta Quintas earns a rating of outstanding cum laude for her doctoral dissertation
The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Gurasoen hezkuntza-inplikazioa aniztasun sozioekonomikoa eta kulturala duten EAEko bi eskola eraginkorretan” [“Educational involvement of parents in two effective schools in the BAC with socioeconomic and cultural diversity”], took place on the Eskoriatza campus.
In the defense, which took place on July 13, Mondragon University Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences researcher Marta Quintas earned a rating of Outstanding cum laude.
The defense of the dissertation, entitled Gurasoen hezkuntza-inplikazioa aniztasun sozioekonomikoa eta kulturala duten EAEko bi eskola eraginkorretan [Educational involvement of parents in two effective schools in the BAC with socioeconomic and cultural diversity], took place on the Eskoriatza campus.
Doctoral program
- Educational Innovation and Intervention
Dissertation title
- Gurasoen hezkuntza-inplikazioa aniztasun sozioekonomikoa eta kulturala duten EAEko bi eskola eraginkorretan
Dissertation directors
- Dr. Amelia Barquín López (Mondragon University) and Dr. Antoni Tort Bardolet (University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia)
Dissertation Committee
- Head: Dr. Verónica Azpillaga Larrea. (University of the Basque Country)
- Secretary: Dr. Nekane Arratibel Insausti (Mondragon University)
- Member: Dr. Leire Diaz de Gereñu Lasaga (University of the Basque Country)
Photo gallery of the defense: