Euskaltzaindia names Eneko Bidegain and Jon Sarasua Associate Members


Euskaltzaindia names Eneko Bidegain and Jon Sarasua Associate Members


Euskaltzaindia names Eneko Bidegain and Jon Sarasua Associate Members

Eneko Bidegain and Jon Sarasua are researchers and instructors in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University.




Euskaltzaindia, the Royal Academy of the Basque Language, has named Eneko Bidegain Urgazle or Associate Member of that institution. Euskaltzaindia revises its list of Associate Members every four years. Associate Members are people selected by Euskaltzaindia for excelling in one of the areas of the Basque language. On this occasion, Euskaltzaindia named 19 Associate Members and 26 new Honorary Members.

Eneko Bidegain (Baiona, 1975) is a researcher and professor in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University. He earned his degree in Basque Studies in Baiona and his thesis was published by Euskaltzaindia itself in 2013. Bidegain is also the author of several books. Before starting his academic career at Mondragon University, he worked as a journalist for Euskaldunon Egunkaria and for the newspaper Berria. In addition, he works in bertsolarismo (Basque ad-lib verse), especially as a judge. Bidegain currently teaches in the Audiovisual Communication degree program and is a researcher at KoLaborategia, Mondragon University’s Laboratory of Education and Communication for the Digital Society.

Jon Sarasua (Aretxabaleta, 1966) holds a PhD in Information Sciences from the University of the Basque Country. He has a number of publications in the fields of socioeconomics, culture and Basque. Before working at Mondragon University, he worked on various projects in creation and cultural promotion. In the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, he has held various roles in management, research and teaching. Regarding this last task, he teaches in the degree programs in Education and Communication as well as in various postgraduate programs. In addition, he works in linguistic cooperation in different countries in the Americas and Africa.