The TECH-LEINN program in collaboration with the educational centers of Oñati is underway


The TECH-LEINN program in collaboration with the educational centers of Oñati is underway


The TECH-LEINN program in collaboration with the educational centers of Oñati is underway

TECH-LEINN is a program aimed at students in the 4th year of ESO and Bachillerato that has been developed together with the educational centers of Oñati



The objective of this program aimed at schools is to work on the creation of companies and a technology base in schools and subjects and to learn about LEINN's entrepreneurial experience in Oñati's Lab Maker Space.

The basis of this program is to address different fields of knowledge, generating an interdisciplinary transformative experience. In this context, the Mondragon Team Academy-LEINN team from the Business School has facilitated the program through its experience in the LEINN program.

The disciplines in which they have worked have been technology and business creation. And the way of working on it has been to create a drone company.

What have been the keys to the program?

The program has focused on three main axes:

1.- Interdisciplinary work:

The creation of a common project (technology, drawing, computer science...) that brings together the different subjects they have throughout the course.

2.-Self-knowledge and Transformation:
Working and developing personal knowledge through the different tools used in the LEINN methodology (contract sharing, dialogue, team action...).

3.-Design and manufacturing:
Project developed, manufactured in the Maker space of MTA Oñati Lab, with laser cutters and 3D printers. Technological approach.

Here you have a video where you can see the work:

And here some pictures: