Representatives of the mechanical design research group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have participated in the national congress of mechanical engineering.


Representatives of the mechanical design research group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have participated in the national congress of mechanical engineering.


Representatives of the mechanical design research group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have participated in the national congress of mechanical engineering.

The meeting was held in Jaén from October 20 to 22.



Research staff from the Mechanical Design research group of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa has been present at the XXIII National Congress of Mechanical Engineering held in Jaén.

The biannual congress was organized by the University of Jaén and was a meeting place for the exchange of scientific and technical knowledge, professional experiences, competitive projects and main advances in Mechanical Engineering in the state.

  • Aitor OyangurenModelización del precargado térmico de ensamblajes de rodamientos de contacto angular
  • Julen Elizegi - Análisis de la vida remanente tras fallo por fatiga superficial en engranajes cilíndricos
  • Mikel Iribecampos - Modelo para el análisis geométrico de Transmisiones Variables Continuas Toroidales
  • Aurea Iñurritegui - Generación virtual de la geometría 3D de acoplamientos dentados abombados

Congratulations, good job!