Sharing experiences between agents of the BBF ecosystem and social entrepreneurs of Ashoka Spain


Sharing experiences between agents of the BBF ecosystem and social entrepreneurs of Ashoka Spain


Sharing experiences between agents of the BBF ecosystem and social entrepreneurs of Ashoka Spain

After the meeting held on November 8 at BBK Kuna, the home of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Bizkaia, with the presentation of Ashoka Social Entrepreneurs 2021, it was time to share experiences in Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria



The visit began with a tour of the different spaces of the ecosystem, passing through floor 0 where all the connections occur, floor 1 where LEINNers and entrepreneurship projects coexist, floor 2 where companies live and finally ending on floor 3 where the different clusters take center stage. During this tour, Kuvu, who seek to improve the quality of life of the elderly, and Gaman, inclusive changemakers, presented their projects with social impact.

After this first visit, it was time to share experiences among MTA Bilbao team entrepreneurs, BBF projects and companies and Ashoka Spain entrepreneurs.

Divided into different tables, more than 50 people seeking to improve the reality around them have discussed two questions: What is the purpose of your projects? How do you measure the impact?

This dialogue gave way to a space where entrepreneurs from Ashoka Spain (here you can see the complete list: shared some of their projects and their impressions after the different interactions at the BBF. One of the phrases of the morning: "Where you can't reach, look for support, create a team. One ingredient alone cannot make a recipe". A team with a common purpose that seeks impact. This is precisely one of the keys to the MTA methodology, the team as a learning tool.

Finally, it was time to disseminate the impact that each person in the room is making through their projects. For this, the context has been the Sustainable Development Goals. First of all, an important comment is that the SDGs must be analyzed jointly, since the impact must be global without focusing on a single goal.