Webinar: Manufacturing and Industrial Insights and Tendencies


Webinar: Manufacturing and Industrial Insights and Tendencies


Webinar: Manufacturing and Industrial Insights and Tendencies

Estas ponencias de dos días organizadas por la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea se enmarcan dentro del EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School



The webinar will be divided into 5 sub-sessions as below

  1. General review of new tendencies in industrial additive manufacturing of metal parts
  2. Circular Economy strategies for green manufacturing: Trends and challenges of remanufacturing
  3. Manufacturing trends
  4. Digital Manufacturing in high series production: Concepts and Myths
  5. The future of 3D printing: Software


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  • General review of new tendencies in industrial additive manufacturing of metal parts
    • Delivered by Itziar Fraile, Aitor Zuriarrain, and Daniel Soler: Students will learn about additive manufacturing, as a new trend in industrial manufacturing. It will be given a general review of the most significant additive manufacturing techniques, emphasizing those concerning metallic parts. Then, some practical activities will be carried on by students with the supervision of the speakers, centered on topological optimization and a real building process.
  • Circular Economy strategies for green manufacturing: Trends and challenges of remanufacturing
    • Delivered by Leire Gorroño and José Alberto Eguren: Students will learn about the remanufacturing process as a circular economy strategy to extend the lifetime of products. Emphasizing the identification of the characteristics of the products to be remanufactured and the organizational aspects to be taken into account to start up a remanufacturing process. Moreover, a remanufacturing maturity model will be introduced to discuss how the maturity of the remanufacturing process could be assessed.
  • Manufacturing trends
    • Delivered by Pedro Arrazola: Students will learn about trends that will dominate the future of manufacturing processes. The importance of aspects such as digital twins, data analytics, IA, sustainable processes, smart factories, and 3D printing technology applied in manufacturing processes will be presented.
  • Digital manufacturing in high series production: Concepts and Myths
    • Delivered by José Juan Gabilondo: The new trends of digitalization and the impact of artificial intelligence promise an impact that does not reach the real world of production. The speaker wants to share a realistic view of concrete aspects where the different classical theories associated with the manufacturing of mechanical components can benefit from such technologies. He will also share in his presentation his experience in the design of machine solutions oriented to the high production of mechanical components for the automotive world where the requirements and specifications leave little play to the fanciful theories of solving theoretical problems with magic algorithms. He will explain real cases where Etxetar, the parent company of the Inzu Group, has been able to apply within real international projects of high impact.
  • The future of 3D printing: Software
    • Delivered by John Amin: According to several studies, the 3D printing market is reaching maturity in growth, but there is still no solid ecosystem of solutions by vertical, these same studies indicate that the big player is going to be the software