Rights and open publication


If you are interested in publishing in Open Access, do not hesitate to contact your Library. We will offer you individualised advice adapted to your needs. Try to Contact us.

One of the main ways for you to contribute to open science is by publishing your documents in open access journals (preferably without paying a publication fee) and in open access repositories (institutional, thematic or general).

Keep in mind that both Spain, in its legislative texts and research calls, and the European Union, in European research plans, highlight the obligation to openly publish the results of scientific research funded with public resources. They require the deposit of publications, specifically a copy of the accepted final version, in institutional or thematic open access repositories, simultaneously with the publication date.

In addition, you can also publish any document resulting from your research in its various versions, including preprints (version submitted to the publisher without any review), postprints (final version with revisions included), or even the version published by the publisher, as long as you retain all your rights and have not transferred them to the publisher. 

Your publications, author copyright and open access

We offer you some resources developed and selected to help you, as teaching and research staff, to manage your copyright appropriately. They include basic information on the importance of managing the copyright of your works and the data generated in your research.

Multimedia tutorial "Controla tus derechos, facilita el acceso abierto" (Control your rights, facilitate open access)

Developed by the Libraries of the Universidad Pablo Olavide in Seville, the Universidad de Murcia and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, all which belong to REBIUN library network's line 2 working group.

  1. Intellectual production, types of copyright, open access and depositing in repositories. See more
  2.  Retain your author copyright. See more
  3. Publishing in scientific journals and self-archiving in repositories. See more

Preserve your author copyright against publishers

Infographics developed by the REBIUN library network's line 2 working group

When signing contracts with publishers, avoid transferring all your exploitation rights on an exclusive basis and try to establish terms of use that allow you to deposit your work in open access repositories, as well as reuse it in future research, use it in teaching materials or in other documents like your own thesis.