

Mondragon Unibertsitatea Library participates in an MOOC on Open Science

Micro-MOOC on Twitter

Mondragon Unibertsitatea Library participates in an MOOC on Open Science

On the occasion of the International Open Access Week, Mondragon Unibertsitatea Library will take part in a free online course on Open Science through



On the occasion of the International Open Access Week and under the coordination of the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Mondragon Unibertsitatea Library will take part in a free online course on Open Science through. This microMOOC will be taught through Twitter together with 17 other universities throughout Spain, the Superior Council of Scientific Research (CSIC) and five European collaborators.
The microMOOC will be held between October 21 and 25 and it will address basic notions about open science. The @moocmicro account will publish tweets every day focused on a different aspect of open science: introduction to open science, open access publication, open research data, participatory research and research evaluation.
New in this edition, the contents of microMOOC will be in all official languages of the State and they will be also published in English. Date to follow the course with the hashtag #CienciaAbiertaMOOC19, #ZientziaIrekiaMOOC19, #CiènciaObertaMOOC19, #CienciaAbertaMOOC19.
If you want to know more about issues related to open access, we invite you to visit the following sections of the library website:

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