

The Library offers several information sessions to standardize and unify the author's record in Web of Science, Scopus, ORCID, and Google Scholar

At the Faculty of Engineering

The Library offers several information sessions to standardize and unify the author's record in Web of Science, Scopus, ORCID, and Google Scholar



With the aim of making it easier for the researchers of the Mondragon Faculty of Engineering to consult their data for the different accreditations to which they are presented, the Library offers several information sessions to normalize and unify the author's record on Web of Science (Publons), Scopus, ORCiD and Google Scholar.
By unifying the records, all the scientific production of each researcher will appear in a single author record in each of the tools. This will help researchers to have more autonomy in the control of their scientific production and, also, to find out easily and reliably their H index on the different platforms.
The following sessions have been prepared:
16th of April, Friday: 09.30-11.30
19th of April, Monday: 14.30-16.30
21st of April, Wednesday: 09.30-11.30
For more information contact the Library at: