

Mendeley institutional reference manager licensed for Mondragon Unibertsitatea


Mendeley institutional reference manager licensed for Mondragon Unibertsitatea

The Library offers Mendeley as institutional reference manager to the whole Mondragon Unibertsitatea’s community



Besides being a reference manager, which offers the option to manage bibliographical references and research documents, Mendeley works as a research collaborative network: you can find new references or documents, seek for interesting groups and share online bibliographic information with other users in the network.
Comparing with the free version, the access to Mendeley institutional version offers extra benefits:

  • Individual storage: 100 GB (instead of 2 GB)
  • Collaborative storage: 100 GB (instead of 100 MB)
  • Private groups number: unlimited
  • Private groups size: 100 members (instead 25)

To become a user, create your personal account at Mendeley. You just need to use your university mail and you will automatically join Mondragon Unibertsitatea Group.