

Mendeley leaves the field of research networks and is promoted as a tool for managing bibliographical references, research data and the organisation of citations


Mendeley leaves the field of research networks and is promoted as a tool for managing bibliographical references, research data and the organisation of citations

This change drives Mendeley in the area of bibliographic management, facilitating the tasks of collection, organization, reading, annotation and citation



Mendeley is removing the following features from December 2020:
  • Mendeley Public Groups
    • Private groups will continue to be available through Mendeley Reference Manager and Mendeley Desktop.
    • All public group pages, including invite-only groups, on{your-public group name} will be removed.
    • The search for Mendeley Groups will be removed.

You can export the metadata of your public group document via

  • Mendeley Desktop's export functionality and Mendeley Reference Manager's export functionality. See here for more details.
  • Recreating your community, using private groups and moving the metadata in your public group documents to new private groups.
  • Mendeley Profile
    • Mendeley Profile pages on{your name} will be removed.
    • The Mendeley People search will be removed.
    • Emails detailing the impact of your research will be deleted.
Mendeley Feed, Mendeley Funding and Mendeley Suggest will also be removed.
For more information on these changes, please see this page.
Functionality will be enabled that allows you to download your profile data in a readable format for a reasonable period of time.
The improvements include the following: 
  • Mendeley Reference Manager, with local installation, which features real-time synchronization between documents in the local installation and those in the cloud.
  • Mendeley Desktop continues to be supported for users of the Institutional Edition of Mendeley (remember that Mondragon Unibertsitatea has this Institutional Edition).
  • Mendeley Cite, which replaces the MS Word plug-in: this is a standalone extension for Microsoft Word that can be used in the browser with Office 365 and with Word for iPad without the Mendeley Desktop application.
  • Mendeley Web Importer - Leverages Mendeley's open-access link catalogue, as well as tools such as GetFTR, to help maximise access to full text and save researchers time when importing texts into their libraries.
  • Mendeley Data has expanded its coverage to more than 25 million data sets in over 2,000 data repositories, making researchers' data more locatable and citable.