Itinerary of studies abroad

Official Degree

Masters Degree in Industrial Engineering


120 ECTS

2 years


Arrasate-Mondragon, Galarreta (Orona Ideo)

Class size

85 places


Spanish, English



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Itinerary of studies abroad

The Double Master's Degree offer is completed with two French universities:

  • Institut National Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse, INSAT (France)
  • École Centrale Nantes, ECN (France)

For both destinations, as detailed in the STUDY PLAN, the student will take the first year (S1 and S2) at Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the second year (S3 and S4) at the destination university.

512x262Iñigo López de Goicoechea Pérez

La trayectoria de doble máster ha sido mi mejor decisión académica. Es una vía que recomiendo a todo aquel que quiera vivir una experiencia en el extranjero o, incluso se plantee desarrollarse laboralmente durante unos meses o años en Europa. Durante estos dos años he tenido la oportunidad de descubrir la cultura francesa y aprender su idioma desde cero.

Por otro lado, dado que el programa tiene buen prestigio internacional, pude realizar mi TFM en un departamento de I+D en Audi AG (Ingolstadt, Alemania). Finalmente, y puesto que el título francés es de una de las cinco mejores universidades de Francia, me embarco en una nueva aventura en Taipei (Taiwan) con la empresa francesa, Air Liquide. Siempre bien apoyado por ambas universidades para cualquier duda, cabe destacar la cercanía de alumnos que han realizado esta misma trayectoria en años anteriores.

Institut National Supérieur des Sciences Appliquées de Toulouse, INSAT

The  INSAT itinerary consists of a common part composed of 4 subjects of 15 hours each with two possible subsidiaries.

Common subjects: Filial Dynamique des fluides hours
Méthodes perturbatives pour la modélisation 15
Instabilités hydrodynamiques 15
Dynamique des Ecoulements incompressibles 15
Modélisation cinétique 15
Common subjects: Filial énergétique et transferts hours
Combustion 15
Changement de phase liquide-vapeur 15
Physique du rayonnement 15
Turbulence et mélange 15

Additionally, there is a part of speciality subjects that should complete 80 hours, to be chosen among all available modules.

Speciality subjects hours
Microfluidique 20
Mécanique des fluides compressibles 20
Turbomachines 30
Energie nucléaire 20
Energies renouvelables 20
Simulation thermique des bâtiments 20
Mécanique des Fluides numérique 20
Energie solaire 20
Machines Thermiques 30
Traitement de l'air et des déchets solides 30
Production d'eau potable 30
Traitement des eaux résiduaires urbaines et des boues 30
Procédés énergétiques couplés 30
Valorisation des déchets 30
Contrôler des procédés propres et sûrs 40
Transport polyphasique 30

Finally, a third part should be completed, consisting of cross-sectional modules that total 60 hours.

Cross-sectional modules hours
Anglais 24
Outils numériques 20
Gestion 16
Insertion professionnelle 16
Initiation aux recherches bibliographiques 4

Finally, the studies culminate with a 5-month research project that requires the drafting of a technical report and a final project presentation.

École Centrale Nantes

The ECN itinerary consists of compulsory subjects, lectures and optional subjects. Of the latter, 6 ECTS must be chosen.

C: Compulsory subjects

E: Elective subjects

Master of Engineering in Material Processes and Technology of Composites (MPTC)

Subjects Type ECTS
Composites and constituents OB 3
Composites processing technologies OB 4
Composites processing modelling OB 6
Composites structures OB 6
Characterization of composite materials and structures OB 4
Conferences OB 2
Optimization in mechanics OP 5
Numerical design of products OP 4
Design methodology OP 3
Virtual reality in product development OP 3
Voice of the customer and customer satisfaction OP 3
Decision support for design process OP 4
Master thesis OP 30


Master of Engineering in Computational Mechanics (CM)

Subjects Type ECTS
Extended finite elements methods OB 6
Computational methods for incompressible flows OB 6
Model reduction OB 6
Numerical methods for uncertainty quantification OB 6
Fluid-structure interaction and advanced CFD OP 6
Physical modelling of fluids OP 6
Meshless numerical methods OP 6
Computational nonlinear dynamics of solids and structures OP 6
Multiscale numerical methods OP 6
Iterative solvers and domain decomposition methods OP 6
Numerical methods for coupled problems OP 6
Computational configurational mechanics OP 6
Master thesis OP 30

Master of Engineering in Design of Systems and Products (DSP)

Subjects Type ECTS
Optimization in mechanics OB 5
Numerical design of products OB 4
Design methodology OB 3
Virtual reality in product development OB 3
Voice of the customer and customer satisfaction OB 3
Decision support for design process OB 4
Conferences OB 2
Composites and constituents OP 3
Composites processing technologies OP 4
Composites processing modelling OP 6
Composites structures OP 6
Characterization of composite materials and structures OP 4
Master thesis OP 30


 At the end of the  Doble Master's Degree programme, the student will obtain a double Master’s Degree from Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the destination university.