
The Polytechnic School of Engineering awards the diplomas for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees to 942 graduates in two consecutive ceremonies.

AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS The Polytechnic School of Engineering awards the diplomas for bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees to 942 graduates in two consecutive ceremonies. 2021·10·15

The diploma award ceremony was held at the Kursaal in Donostia on two consecutive days, October 14 and 15.

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La cápsula Etorkizuna Eraikiz está en el campus de Arrasate de Mondragon Unibertsitatea durante todo el día

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The researchers Demian Garcia Violini (National University of Quilmes) and Yerai Peña Sanchez (Centre for Ocean Energy Research, Maynooth University) have visited Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and have presented their most relevant research work to the research staff of the university.

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