
Zero-emissions movility for all

MOVILITY Zero-emissions movility for all 2020·09·15

Mobility week at Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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Free WEBINAR on the latest news from Power BI with Ana María Bisbé

WEBINAR Free WEBINAR on the latest news from Power BI with Ana María Bisbé 2020·09·15

This Webinar organised by Mondragon Unibertsitatea will be held on 22 September by Ana María Bisbé, a trainer in our Business Intelligence courses, in which she will be showing us news related to data consultation and handling; new DAX options and expressions; incorporation of new visuals, such as the Azure Map; the optimisation made in Q&A; and news in the configuration of the view for mobile devices. Do not miss this webinar!

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Three researchers from Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa have presented their papers at the ETFA2020 conference

CONFERENCE Three researchers from Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa have presented their papers at the ETFA2020 conference 2020·09·14

The conference brought together the latest technological advances in the field of industrial automation, one of the most relevant specialties of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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The first edition of the Master in Innovation and Sports Business Management taught by the Faculty of Business Studies of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and WATS Team will have the support of LABORAL Kutxa

Master Degree The first edition of the Master in Innovation and Sports Business Management taught by the Faculty of Business Studies of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and WATS Team will have the support of LABORAL Kutxa 2020·09·14

This innovative Master, which combines business training and entrepreneurship aimed at the sports sector, will have the collaboration of LABORAL Kutxa to promote the business projects of the students

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The residents have already arrived

STUDENTS The residents have already arrived 2020·09·09

This year 106 people will live in Biteri, 85 are new and 21 are veterans

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Curso para aprender a diseñar contextos formativos online ofrecido por la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

Curso online Curso para aprender a diseñar contextos formativos online ofrecido por la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación 2020·09·03

El curso, que se impartirá en modalidad online, está dirigido a docentes y tendrá una duración de 24 horas. La primera edición comenzará el próximo día 14 de septiembre.

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Dates and times of the start of the Mondragon Goi Eskola

Start of the course Dates and times of the start of the Mondragon Goi Eskola 2020·09·03

The first day of the course will be held on a face-to-face basis for all levels. Higher Degree Training Cycles will begin on 7 September, first-year students of Engineering Degrees will start their classes so on 10 September, and finally, the second-, third- and fourth-year students and Master’s Degree students will start on 14 September

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You can already see the program for 2020-21

Sports and health activities You can already see the program for 2020-21 2020·09·01

Check out our program and get involved!

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Second edition of the program on

Online Program Second edition of the program on "Platform Cooperatives Now" 2020·07·30

This second edition will start on October 26. The first edition of this course took place in the middle of the COVID19 health crisis. 418 people from 50 countries around the world participated in it

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Do you share the goal of redirecting your company to the path of sustainable growth?

Webinar Do you share the goal of redirecting your company to the path of sustainable growth? 2020·07·29

The Faculty of Business Studies launches a cycle of webinars in order to offer and share knowledge and experiences on keys to support companies in returning to their goals of sustainable growth

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The Higher Polytechnic School organises a visit for managers of Debagoiena’s SMEs with the aim of opening avenues of collaboration and promoting innovation in their organisations

COLLABORATION The Higher Polytechnic School organises a visit for managers of Debagoiena’s SMEs with the aim of opening avenues of collaboration and promoting innovation in their organisations 2020·07·27

Professors and researchers in the robotics and automation area have shown the infrastructures and technological equipment that they make available to companies for the development of small innovation projects that facilitate their competitive improvement

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Researcher Itziar Arregi awarded summa cum laude for her doctoral dissertation

doctoral dissertation Researcher Itziar Arregi awarded summa cum laude for her doctoral dissertation 2020·07·16

Arregi defended her dissertation, entitled “A case study of free play by children aged 2-6,” on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea undergraduate and Master’s engineering students dominate the podium of the 3rd edition of the surfboard innovation contest

CONTEST Mondragon Unibertsitatea undergraduate and Master’s engineering students dominate the podium of the 3rd edition of the surfboard innovation contest 2020·07·16

Students of the Degree in Industrial Ecotechnologies have won the first prize, while the students of the Industrial Master’s Degree won third place. The contest aims to promote the development and commercialisation of the surf industry and to project the highest quality processes and products.

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El sector deportivo no volverá a ser igual, y es un reto de innovación al que estamos preparados para hacer frente desde la Universidad

Sector Deportivo El sector deportivo no volverá a ser igual, y es un reto de innovación al que estamos preparados para hacer frente desde la Universidad 2020·07·15

Como Universidad con la ventaja de llevar ya dos años formando a profesionales del sector deportivo para ser capaces de dar respuesta a la digitalización, a las nuevas formas de negocio y a los retos que surgen a raíz del COVID-19

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€20,900 donation to the Food Bank of Gipuzkoa and Mundukide

DONATIONS €20,900 donation to the Food Bank of Gipuzkoa and Mundukide 2020·07·15

The Student and Worker Councils of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa have donated the budget for social activities that they have not carried out due to COVID-19

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Nuevos cursos de Business Intelligence con Power BI

CURSOS Nuevos cursos de Business Intelligence con Power BI 2020·07·15

En septiembre comenzará el curso presencial en Bilbao y en octubre comenzará en modalidad online

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The catalogue with all the courses aimed at professionals and taught by the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon in the academic year 2020-2021 is now available

COURSES FOR PROFESSIONALS The catalogue with all the courses aimed at professionals and taught by the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon in the academic year 2020-2021 is now available 2020·07·15

More than 2,500 professionals are trained annually in the courses technological Master’s degrees that are taught in various mode (online, blended, face-to-face) and in different locations (Arrasate, Bilbo, Hernani, Goierri, etc.)

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La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación necesita contratar una persona para su Secretaría Académica

OFERTA DE TRABAJO 2020-2021 La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación necesita contratar una persona para su Secretaría Académica 2020·07·14

Se recogerán los curriculums hasta el 20 de julio.

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New editions of courses on project managment and logistics for professionals

COURSES FOR PROFESSIONALS New editions of courses on project managment and logistics for professionals 2020·07·14

In October, several courses will begin teaching techniques, tools and methodologies that increase productivity, optimise resources, and improve management in the industrial field

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Teaching model for the 2020-2021 academic year

Educational model Teaching model for the 2020-2021 academic year 2020·07·09

Mondragon University reaffirms its commitment to its MENDEBERRI 2025 educational model to tackle the Covid-19 crisis in the 2020-2021 academic year

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The ElkarMaker projects is a finalist of the first edition of the Steam Euskadi awards

AWARD The ElkarMaker projects is a finalist of the first edition of the Steam Euskadi awards 2020·07·08

The initiative aims to promote STEAM topics – science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics –among youth and has been jointly developed by the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon and Ikastolen Elkartea

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The end-of-course and end-of-master´s projects developed in the Ingeteam classroom are presented in a multi-conference

CONFERENCE The end-of-course and end-of-master´s projects developed in the Ingeteam classroom are presented in a multi-conference 2020·07·08

On 1 July, a virtual meeting was held in which the students who have developed projects in collaboration with the company Ingeteam shared with the workers of the company the progress made during the course

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea, TZBZ and Last Tour launch the LEINN Entrepreneurship Degree in Berlin aimed at the creative and cultural industries sector

LEINN Mondragon Unibertsitatea, TZBZ and Last Tour launch the LEINN Entrepreneurship Degree in Berlin aimed at the creative and cultural industries sector 2020·07·08

LEINN is launched in Berlin uniting Entrepreneurship and Culture, where entrepreneurial students from the first day will develop projects in the Creative and Cultural Industries sector

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Concurso público para la concesión del nuevo servicio de cafetería del campus de Eskoriatza

SERVICIO DE CAFETERÍA Concurso público para la concesión del nuevo servicio de cafetería del campus de Eskoriatza 2020·07·08

La cafetería estará ubicada en el nuevo edificio Dorleta. El plazo de presentación de propuestas finalizará el próximo día 17 de julio.

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Webinar: Onboarding strategies in the post COVID-19 era

Webinar Webinar: Onboarding strategies in the post COVID-19 era 2020·07·07

Learnings and new challenges in Onboarding strategies sharing company experiences and some keys worked from the Faculty of Business

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Surf courses

Surf Surf courses 2020·07·06

10 people have been encouraged to take the organized surf courses

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Bilbao 2020-2021

Bilbao Bilbao 2020-2021 2020·07·03

The degrees that will be offered in Bilbao during the academic year 2020-2021 will be located in the Ensanche Building and Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria between September and Christmas.

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Resolution of the winning projects of Enpresa Sortuz, an initiative that promotes entrepreneurship in the school of engineering

ENTREPRENEURSHIP Resolution of the winning projects of Enpresa Sortuz, an initiative that promotes entrepreneurship in the school of engineering 2020·07·03

The jury evaluated a dozen projects aimed at possible business ideas, all proposals being submitted by current students and graduates

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Photography contest "Garai hontako kirolariak" is the winner 2020·07·02

16 participants and 30 photographies

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The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Talentia Software organize a webinar on how to digitize the management of people in organizations

Webinar The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Talentia Software organize a webinar on how to digitize the management of people in organizations 2020·06·26

Empowerment of HR departments will be addressed in the context of COVID-19

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