
Researcher Beñat Flores earns summa cum laude for his international dissertation

INTERNATIONAL DISSERTATION Researcher Beñat Flores earns summa cum laude for his international dissertation 2020·10·30

The defense of Dr. Flores’ dissertation, “Exploring the impact of design thinking on Higher Education students’ creative self-efficacy / Design thinkingaren eragina aztertzen unibersitate ikasleen auto-eraginkortasun sortzailean,” was held online.

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Thesis defense of Dorleta Ibarra

THESIS Thesis defense of Dorleta Ibarra 2020·10·30

Title of the thesis: "Business model innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: an exploration of key drivers and performance implications". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification and INTERNATIONAL DOCTOR mention .

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Last free spaces to participate in the Specialist Diploma Program in Chief Learning Officer

Chief Learning Officer (CLO) Last free spaces to participate in the Specialist Diploma Program in Chief Learning Officer 2020·10·28

The CLO diploma program will open for its second year on November 2. The purpose of the program is to train professionals to facilitate learning and encourage innovation in companies and organizations.

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ONCE and Mondragon Unibertsitatea launch a contest to solve the challenges of people with visual disabilities

Contest ONCE and Mondragon Unibertsitatea launch a contest to solve the challenges of people with visual disabilities 2020·10·22

In collaboration with Mondragon Team Academy, the entrepreneurship unit of the Faculty of Business at Mondragon Unibertsitatea, and the Department of Social Policies of the Basque Government

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Nagore Ipiña appointed as new Dean of the Faculty Of Humanities And Education Sciences of Mondragon University

New dean Nagore Ipiña appointed as new Dean of the Faculty Of Humanities And Education Sciences of Mondragon University 2020·10·21

The new Dean holds a doctorate in Education and is an expert in digitalization. She has worked for the Faculty for eleven years.

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa pone en marcha el espacio de orientación ZTIMUlab

WEB Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa pone en marcha el espacio de orientación ZTIMUlab 2020·10·21

La web ZTIMUlab ofrece talleres, exposiciones, formaciones y una gran variedad de actividades dirigidas al alumnado y profesorado de los centros escolares con el objetivo de fomentar las temáticas STEM en los más jóvenes, especialmente entre las mujeres

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Soziolinguistika Klusterra has organized a conference on the linguistic reality of youth to be held on October 28 on the Eskoriatza Campus

LINGUISTIC REALITY Soziolinguistika Klusterra has organized a conference on the linguistic reality of youth to be held on October 28 on the Eskoriatza Campus 2020·10·19

Results and conclusions from various investigations, projects and interventions will be presented at the conference.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea, together with the nuclear medicine unit of The Rioja Health Foundation, patents a system to improve the visualisation of breast cancer lesions.

PATENT Mondragon Unibertsitatea, together with the nuclear medicine unit of The Rioja Health Foundation, patents a system to improve the visualisation of breast cancer lesions. 2020·10·19

The Rioja Health Foundation has already used the two models manufactured at Mondragon Unibertsitatea with more than 150 oncology patients. Doctors report that the proposed solution helps to reduce scattered radiation by 80 per cent, making it easier to visualise lesions.

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Defensa de Tesis de Alberto Irezabal Vilaclara

Defensa de Tesis Defensa de Tesis de Alberto Irezabal Vilaclara 2020·10·16

D. Alberto Irezabal Vilaclara presenta su tesis doctoral: Gestión y apropiación de alternativas en la cadena de valor del café para la construcción del “buen vivir” en américa latina

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BBF Fintech launches the first edition of its open innovation program, together with LABORAL Kutxa, Kutxabank, and 7 disruptive startups in the financial sector

Innovation program BBF Fintech launches the first edition of its open innovation program, together with LABORAL Kutxa, Kutxabank, and 7 disruptive startups in the financial sector 2020·10·15

Open innovation: Boost companies capacities to innovate by intensifying their level of collaboration

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The eighth annual Doctoral Program Research Conference will be held online on October 16

DOCTORAL PROGRAM The eighth annual Doctoral Program Research Conference will be held online on October 16 2020·10·14

Researchers from the University of Vic-Central University of Catalonia and Mondragon University will participate in the conference.

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El próximo día 22, debate online sobre los procesos de aprendizaje e innovación en las organizaciones

CHIEF LEARNING OFFICER (CLO) El próximo día 22, debate online sobre los procesos de aprendizaje e innovación en las organizaciones 2020·10·14

El acto comenzará a las 10:00 y contará con la participación de Iñigo Larrea, Julen Iturbe-Ormaetxe y Onintza Belategi.

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Últimas plazas libres para participar en la 8ª edición del Título Experto en Transmisión de la Cultura Vasca

Título experto "EKT" Últimas plazas libres para participar en la 8ª edición del Título Experto en Transmisión de la Cultura Vasca 2020·10·14

El curso comenzará el fin de semana del 14 de noviembre. Hasta completar las plazas vacantes, la inscripción estará abierta el presente mes de octubre.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea to bring together over 100 international experts on 14-16 October in a world-class congress on cybersecurity

CONGRESS Mondragon Unibertsitatea to bring together over 100 international experts on 14-16 October in a world-class congress on cybersecurity 2020·10·09

The RAID 2020 congress – International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defences – will be a virtual meeting where international experts will debate and present the results of their research on computer attacks, detection methods, and defines techniques.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has published two books proposing scales to measure the profile of the cooperative individual

KOOPHEZI PROYECT The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has published two books proposing scales to measure the profile of the cooperative individual 2020·10·07

The books include two scales to measure the profile of the cooperative individual in student youth and workers.

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Thesis defense of David Garrido Diez

THESIS Thesis defense of David Garrido Diez 2020·10·07

Title of the thesis: "Impacto de los semiconductores de banda prohibida ancha en el diseño de convertidores de potencia". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification.

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CLO rolak erakundeetan duen garrantzia azaltzeko, webinarra eskainiko du Arantza Ozaeta Fakultateko ikertzaileak

Chief Learning Officer (CLO) CLO rolak erakundeetan duen garrantzia azaltzeko, webinarra eskainiko du Arantza Ozaeta Fakultateko ikertzaileak 2020·10·06

Azaroaren 2an, Chief Learning Officer (CLO) edo Ikaskuntzaren Kudeaketa Arduraduna Enpresan Espezializazio Diplomaren bigarren edizoa hasiko da.

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The mus championship has begun

CHAMPIONSHIP The mus championship has begun 2020·10·06

The mus championship of 2020 has begun

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Signing of an agreement between the Faculty of Business at Mondragon Unibertsitatea and B4Motion

Agreement Signing of an agreement between the Faculty of Business at Mondragon Unibertsitatea and B4Motion 2020·10·02

Last Tuesday, September 29, the signing of a collaboration agreement between the Faculty of Business at Mondragon Unibertsitatea and B4Motion took place in Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria

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Begoña Pedrosa, dean of the Faculty Of Humanities And Education Sciences, has been appointed Deputy Minister of Education of the Basque Government

Deputy Minister Begoña Pedrosa, dean of the Faculty Of Humanities And Education Sciences, has been appointed Deputy Minister of Education of the Basque Government 2020·10·02

Henceforth, Begoña Pedrosa will work in the department headed by Jokin Bildarratz. Pedrosa has worked for Mondragon University for 18 years, where for the past six years she has served as Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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BDIH Konexio: Scientific - technological equipment of the university at the disposal of basque companies

EQUIPMENT BDIH Konexio: Scientific - technological equipment of the university at the disposal of basque companies 2020·10·01

The Basque Government has promoted the launch of the BDIH Konexio grants, an initiative that makes scientific-technological equipment available to Basque companies available to members of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 409 new undergraduates this year

NEW STUDENTS The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 409 new undergraduates this year 2020·09·29

This academic year, we will offer a new degree in Bilbao: Global Digital Humanities (GDH). The Faculty will have 65 more undergraduates than last year.

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The second year of Lit, the University Master’s Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation, is now underway

Lit Master’s program The second year of Lit, the University Master’s Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation, is now underway 2020·09·29

The Master’s program began with a workshop that took place in the Azala creation space in Alava. This is the second year of the program.

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Engineering students in industrial design awarded in the 11th National Packaging Design and Sustainability Awards

AWARD Engineering students in industrial design awarded in the 11th National Packaging Design and Sustainability Awards 2020·09·29

Mondragon Unibertsitatea students have obtained the first prize and two second-place prizes in the challenges proposed by the companies Natra and Apisol

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4th. Basque Project Managment Congress: Development of agile organisations

CONGRESS 4th. Basque Project Managment Congress: Development of agile organisations 2020·09·28

The conference will be held on 14 October in face-to-face and online formats simultaneously, addressing key techniques and aspects of agile management that facilitate the transformation of the organisation.

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Chamber of Gipuzkoa and Mondragon Unibertsitatea close the 10th edition of the MBA EXECUTIVE

Closing ceremony MBA Executive Chamber of Gipuzkoa and Mondragon Unibertsitatea close the 10th edition of the MBA EXECUTIVE 2020·09·25

The President of the Chamber of Gipuzkoa, Pedro Esnaola and the Rector of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Vicente Atxa, presided over the delivery of Titles yesterday

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Study The Business Faculty carried out a study on the work of the Pre, During and Post Covid people management departments 2020·09·25

The R&T team of Strategic People Management of the Faculty of Business has carried out a study to find out the areas in which people and HR management professionals have been working in recent years

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Abierta la matriculación en la 8ª edición del Título Experto en Transmisión de la Cultura Vasca

Curso Experto "EKT" Abierta la matriculación en la 8ª edición del Título Experto en Transmisión de la Cultura Vasca 2020·09·21

Al igual que en ediciones anteriores, en esta ocasión también tomarán parte en el postgrado una gran cantidad de expertos y expertas. El plazo de matriculación estará abierto hasta el día 5 de octubre y las sesiones presenciales comenzarán el 17 de octubre.

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New Dorleta building on the Eskoriatza campus inaugurated

New Dorleta building New Dorleta building on the Eskoriatza campus inaugurated 2020·09·18

On September 18, coinciding with the opening of the academic year at Mondragon University, the new Dorleta building on the Eskoriatza campus was inaugurated. The building was redesigned in response to the educational transformation project promoted by the Faculty.

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Opening Opening of the 2020/2021 academic year of Mondragon University 2020·09·18

Mondragon University’s Rector says the strategic aims are to increase its impact in the Basque Country and consolidate it as an international innovation benchmark

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