
The student Joseba Osa Arozena obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade with International Doctorate mention

THESIS The student Joseba Osa Arozena obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDE grade with International Doctorate mention 2023·12·18

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The student Markel Azkue Etxeandia obtained an EXCELLENT grade with International Doctorate mention

THESIS The student Markel Azkue Etxeandia obtained an EXCELLENT grade with International Doctorate mention 2023·12·18

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Mondragon University organizes the international UniverCity seminar to discuss sustainable urban transitions

Conference Mondragon University organizes the international UniverCity seminar to discuss sustainable urban transitions 2023·12·15

The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences organized the third annual UniverCity seminar, an international seminar that aims to demonstrate the role of research and education in achieving a democratic and sustainable urban transition.

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40 students of the Degree in Business Administration and Management - myGADE of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have participated in the first Winter School organised by the alliance EU4DUAL - The European University of Dual Studies.

EU4DUAL 40 students of the Degree in Business Administration and Management - myGADE of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have participated in the first Winter School organised by the alliance EU4DUAL - The European University of Dual Studies. 2023·12·14

This Winter School was held from 20 to 24 November at ESTIA - School of Engineering, one of the Alliance's partner universities.

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This week the winter volleyball championship has been played.

The Viva Voley team was the winner of the tournament. This week the winter volleyball championship has been played. 2023·12·14

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The student Aritz Aranburu Gorrotxategi obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDEgrade

THESIS The student Aritz Aranburu Gorrotxategi obtained an EXCELLENT CUM LAUDEgrade 2023·12·14

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Cooperativism The LANKI Institute of Cooperative Research will offer a course for people interested in learning first-hand about the Mondragon Experience and Cooperativism 2023·12·13

The course, 'Keys to the Mondragon Cooperative Experience', will last 75 hours and will be offered online, and participants will be able to spend a week in the Basque Country.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University seeks Institutional Accreditation

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Among the agents that support the journal are 22 institutions from all over the Basque Country, including universities and research-related institutions. Institutional presentations will take place in February of 2024 in Pamplona, Bilbao and Bayonne.

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More than a hundred people take part in a conference organized by Mondragon University on how to combine immigration and the use of the Basque Language in Basque municipalities

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The Eskoriatza campus of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has hosted the second annual conference on 'Basque and interculturality in educational communities.' At the conference, which was held on December 1, they explained how schools are working on coexistence between those who want to live in Basque and those who do not yet know Basque, but live in a Basque environment.

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