
The European SmartEnCity project will hold its Final Conference in Vitoria-Gasteiz on June 14 and 15

PROJECT The European SmartEnCity project will hold its Final Conference in Vitoria-Gasteiz on June 14 and 15 2022·03·28

The project closes its six-year trajectory whose objective has been to develop the European strategy for the creation of CO2-free smart cities.

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The first hackathon of young entrepreneurship

Hackaton-Malaga The first hackathon of young entrepreneurship "Atrévete" arrives in Malaga with the support of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, TeamLabs and Sngular 2022·03·28

With the support of the City Council of Malaga and Promálaga, it will be held on March 31, the online presentation, and April 1, in person

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All systems go for the 15th Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival

Huhezinema 2022 All systems go for the 15th Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival 2022·03·24

From March 30 to April 1, Aretxabaleta will be the meeting point for Basque short film makers. Music is the theme of this 15th year of the festival.

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La Fundación Gizabidea hará una aportación de 2 millones de euros al proyecto HIREKIN de Mondragon Unibertsitatea

APORTACIÓN ECONÓMICA La Fundación Gizabidea hará una aportación de 2 millones de euros al proyecto HIREKIN de Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2022·03·24

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BME and BBF Fintech launch the second edition of Hack&Disrupt! and consolidate Bilbao as a fintech innovation center

Challenge on Sustainable Finance BME and BBF Fintech launch the second edition of Hack&Disrupt! and consolidate Bilbao as a fintech innovation center 2022·03·22

The hackathon, which will solve challenges on sustainable finance on April 1st and 2nd in Bilbao, will distribute 5,000 euros in prizes

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The City Council of Tolosa and Mondragon Team Academy have organized the second edition of the EKIN Entrepreneurship Conference

Entrepreneurship Conference The City Council of Tolosa and Mondragon Team Academy have organized the second edition of the EKIN Entrepreneurship Conference 2022·03·21

Two days of lectures and inspiration for entrepreneurs, in the II. EKIN Entrepreneurship Conference

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Webinar on cooperativism, strategy and digitalization on April 28

MCOOP MASTER’S DEGREE Webinar on cooperativism, strategy and digitalization on April 28 2022·03·21

Julen Iturbe-Ormaetxe (Artisan Consultant), Jesús Fernández del Carmen (Ederlan) and Nagore Ipiña (Mondragon University) will participate in the event. The webinar will begin at 6:00 p.m.

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Welcoming ceremony for the international students in the Master’s degree program in cooperativism

MCOOP MASTER’S DEGREE Welcoming ceremony for the international students in the Master’s degree program in cooperativism 2022·03·21

The event, held today on the Eskoriatza campus, was attended by the Dean of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, Nagore Ipiña, and the Coordinator of the Master’s Degree program in Cooperativism and Socio-Business Management, Leire Uriarte. The students’ stay will last until April 1st.

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Campamento tecnológico sobre robótica y programación dirigido a jóvenes escolares para la semana de pascua

CAMPAMENTO TECNOLÓGICO Campamento tecnológico sobre robótica y programación dirigido a jóvenes escolares para la semana de pascua 2022·03·21

La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon, Arizmendi Ikastola y CampTecnológico organizan anualmente en colaboración estos talleres tecnológicos

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Antiguos estudiantes del Grado de Ingeniería Biomédica presentan el proyecto de emprendimiento BerEkin al alumnado del Máster en Tecnologías Biomédicas

PROYECTO Antiguos estudiantes del Grado de Ingeniería Biomédica presentan el proyecto de emprendimiento BerEkin al alumnado del Máster en Tecnologías Biomédicas 2022·03·20

El grupo de estudiantes puso en marcha su proyecto de emprendimiento tecnológica dirigido al sector sanitario gracias al premio que ganaron en el concurso de la universidad que fomenta el emprendimiento

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Laboral Kutxa extend the collaboration agreement for the financing of studies

Agreement Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Laboral Kutxa extend the collaboration agreement for the financing of studies 2022·03·18

This renewal has been carried out within the framework collaboration agreement signed on 20 October between the two entities.

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Los proyectos de Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial e Ingeniería Informática ganadores de los dos premios principales del PBLday 2022

EVENTO Los proyectos de Ingeniería Electrónica Industrial e Ingeniería Informática ganadores de los dos premios principales del PBLday 2022 2022·03·18

El evento PBLday muestra los trabajos realizados por el alumnado de grado de ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea. El jurado compuesto por docentes y representantes de empresa premia anualmente a los mejores proyectos del evento.

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Students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea participates in Zabalki

International "Pelota" Tournament Students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea participates in Zabalki 2022·03·18

One couple has played frontenis and the other pelota

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Information meeting on the Master’s Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation (Lit) on April 6

LIT MASTER’S DEGREE Information meeting on the Master’s Degree in Learning Facilitation and Innovation (Lit) on April 6 2022·03·17

The event will be held online and will begin at 6:00 p.m. The presentation will be attended by the coordinators of the Master’s degree program and students from earlier graduating classes. Registration is now open.

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Mondragon University and Goiena present the second annual Communication Campus, to be held next July

COMMUNICATION CAMPUS Mondragon University and Goiena present the second annual Communication Campus, to be held next July 2022·03·17

The Goiena Communication Group and Mondragon University announce the second annual Communication Campus for the summer. Two sessions will be offered, both in July: the first, from the 4th to the 8th; and the second, from the 11th to the 15th. Registration is now open.

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Cursos PDUs para el mantenimiento de la certificación PMP

CURSOS Cursos PDUs para el mantenimiento de la certificación PMP 2022·03·17

Mondragon Unibertsitatea es un centro homologado por el PMI como Accredited Training Partner

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea has received a visit from the Minister of Universities

Institutional visit Mondragon Unibertsitatea has received a visit from the Minister of Universities 2022·03·16

The Minister for Universities met with the Rector, the Vice-Rector and the President of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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Talk about cerebral paralysis

TALK Talk about cerebral paralysis 2022·03·16

Some users and employees came to talk about this topic

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The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea participates in the meeting

Event The Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea participates in the meeting "Trends in Learning and Development 2022". 2022·03·15

Executives from 10 cities in Spain and Latin America analyze the impact of learning and development trends in their organizations

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The student Imanol Eguren Alustiza obtained the qualification 'CUM LAUDE'.

THESIS The student Imanol Eguren Alustiza obtained the qualification 'CUM LAUDE'. 2022·03·15

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FASTAP project, already in motion to increase the wind turbines operability while reducing wind’s leverage cost of energy

PROJECT FASTAP project, already in motion to increase the wind turbines operability while reducing wind’s leverage cost of energy 2022·03·15

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The international students in the Master’s degree program in cooperativism will gain first-hand knowledge of the Mondragon cooperative experience

MASTER’S DEGREE IN COOPERATIVISM The international students in the Master’s degree program in cooperativism will gain first-hand knowledge of the Mondragon cooperative experience 2022·03·14

From March 21 to April 1, seven students in the Master’s Degree program in Cooperativism and Socio-Business Management will participate in various visits and events in the Basque Country.

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On March 15, a debate on new models of democracy in the 21st century

Conference On March 15, a debate on new models of democracy in the 21st century 2022·03·10

The Telesforo Monzón eLaboratory (TMeLab), the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University and Arantzazulab have jointly organized a conference on March 15 entitled New models of democracy in the 21st century: citizens’ assembly or deliberative democracy. The experiences of Scotland, France, Ireland and the Basque Country, among others, will be presented at the conference.

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Estudiantes de formación profesional van al extranjero, incluso quienes hacen Formación Dual

FORMACIÓN PROFESIONAL Estudiantes de formación profesional van al extranjero, incluso quienes hacen Formación Dual 2022·03·10

Realizarán prácticas durante tres meses en Rumanía, Polonia y República Chequia

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Candle workshop

WORKSHOP Candle workshop 2022·03·09

We have had a candle making workshop, thanks to Ekoudalatx

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Stimulating student STEM motivation and enhancing the scientific-technological business network of Gipuzkoa through artificial intelligence

STEMotiv project Stimulating student STEM motivation and enhancing the scientific-technological business network of Gipuzkoa through artificial intelligence 2022·03·07

The Science, Technology and Health research group of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University, ZiTeO, will promote the STEMotiv project in order to have an impact on the training of teachers of STEM subjects and to measure student motivation for and interest in STEM subjects.

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Third general assembly of the Seabat project

PROJECT Third general assembly of the Seabat project 2022·03·07

The project aims to develop a fully electric, hybrid battery system for ships, based on the combination of high power and high energy batteries and modular converters. Mondragon University is one of the 15 partners involved in the project.

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Promoting audiovisual creativity from the Aretxabaleta campus

AUDIOVISUAL CREATIVITY Promoting audiovisual creativity from the Aretxabaleta campus 2022·03·06

Creativity and innovation are the fundamental kingpins of the educational model of Mondragon University. Not only do the students work on these competencies in the academic curriculum, but in parallel, the university organizes activities such as the Huhezinema Basque Short Film Festival and the Euspot Basque Ad Competition. Both events are organized by the degree program in Audiovisual Communication.

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First Lego League Euskadi Mondragon

Tournament First Lego League Euskadi Mondragon 2022·03·05

Today Mondragon Unibertsitatea hosted 320 students who competed to qualify for the state final of the First Lego League.

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450 participants in the University Sport Championship of Basque Country

University Sport Championship 450 participants in the University Sport Championship of Basque Country 2022·03·04

Good atmosphere in the Championship organized by Universidad de Deusto.

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