
Jornada dirigida a empresas: La importancia de abordar la Economía Circular en las organizaciones

JORNADA Jornada dirigida a empresas: La importancia de abordar la Economía Circular en las organizaciones 2022·05·23

Se mostrarán casos de éxito de empresas de diferentes tamaños y sectores. Además, la universidad expondrá las herramientas que ha desarrollado y que se ponen a disposición de las empresas para que puedan abordar el reto de la economía circular.

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25th anniversary of Mondragon Unibertsitatea on 5 million ONCE coupon tickets

25th anniversary 25th anniversary of Mondragon Unibertsitatea on 5 million ONCE coupon tickets 2022·05·20

Presentation of the ONCE daily coupon on the 25th anniversary of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and TeamLabs analyze in Barcelona, together with companies, the challenges in the search for talent and people management

Round Table Mondragon Unibertsitatea and TeamLabs analyze in Barcelona, together with companies, the challenges in the search for talent and people management 2022·05·20

Talent for talent: new times, new skills" was the name of the round table

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La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea y la empresa de estampación ELAY firman un acuerdo para mejorar la fabricación de piezas metálicas para automoción

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Las mejoras permitirán desarrollar la tecnología de corte fino en semicaliente para poder trabajar con materiales de alta resistencia, que son cada vez más demandados para aligerar las estructuras, entre otros, en el sector de la automoción

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Más de 50.000€ de premio en el concurso de emprendimiento tecnológico

CONCURSO Más de 50.000€ de premio en el concurso de emprendimiento tecnológico 2022·05·19

El concurso Enpresa Sortuz está dirigido a estudiantes, exestudiantes o personal trabajador de ingeniería de Mondragon Unibertsitatea, así como a proyectos externos que quieran incorporar talento de nuestra universidad. Todo ello, dentro de un marco que promueve ideas innovadoras de productos, servicios y negocios de base tecnológica y sostenible.

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Four Mondragon University projects earn the STEAM Euskadi seal

STEAM Four Mondragon University projects earn the STEAM Euskadi seal 2022·05·18

The STEMotiv project and EMBRYO are also finalists in the second annual STEAM Euskadi Awards.

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Conference Mondragon Unibertsitatea holds a conference on the future of work in the fields of management and data analytics 2022·05·17

The aim has been to set up a collaborative network to help in the strategic planning of the talent of the companies in the territory, in the fields of management and data analytics

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Awarded the diplomas Mondragon Unibertsitatea awarded the diplomas of the degree in Business Administration and Management (myGADE) and master's degrees to 177 graduates 2022·05·17

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Spanish University Judo Championship

Paulo Arrieta has represented Mondragon Unibertsitatea Spanish University Judo Championship 2022·05·16

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The winner of the 2021 National Poetry Prize was on the Eskoriatza campus to participate in the 2nd-year Education module, “I, you, and we. We are bodies.”

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The "Energy Communities" conference organised by Mondragon Unibertsitatea in collaboration with Repsol Foundation and MONDRAGON Corporation was held in the Polo Garaia auditorium.

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Registration open for June 8 conference: The teacher in current and future education

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The session will delve into the role of the teacher in promoting students’ personal characteristics such as creativity, cooperation, flexibility and critical spirit. The conference will be held on the Eskoriatza campus.

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The students made several visits and participated in workshops and numerous work meetings. In the European Parliament, they met with Basque representatives Izaskun Bilbao (PNV) and Pernando Barrena (EH Bildu).

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¡Participa en la convocatoria y convierte la facilitación Answer the call and turn facilitation into your professional hallmark! Applications must be submitted by June 22.

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Unai Portilla: “In the second year of Communication Camps, participants will learn to make videos and podcasts and get in front of a camera”

COMMUNICATION CAMPS Unai Portilla: “In the second year of Communication Camps, participants will learn to make videos and podcasts and get in front of a camera” 2022·05·10

Mondragon University, together with the Goiena Communication Group, has organized the second year of Communication Camps. The camps will take place during the first two weeks of July, in Aretxabaleta, in two sessions, from Monday to Friday. Registration is now open. Unai Portilla, professor in the Audiovisual Communication degree program at Mondragon University, gives us more details about the project.

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La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea entrega los diplomas a 573 egresados y egresadas de 2021

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En el acto participaron Jokin Bildarratz, Consejero de Educación del Gobierno Vasco y Leire Muguerza, Presidenta del Congreso de MONDRAGON, entre otros

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Spain University Swimming Championship 2022

Kepa Aldekoa represents Mondragon Unibertsitatea in Murcia Spain University Swimming Championship 2022 2022·05·04

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Registration is now open for the open houses of the degree programs in Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Audiovisual Communication and Global Digital Humanities (GDH).

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LIT MASTER’S DEGREE Webinar on “Facilitating learning in cooperative organizations” offered by Aitzol Loyola on May 24 2022·05·02

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Beginning in the 2022-2023 academic year, the Master’s degree program will last one academic year (9 academic months) and require 60 ECTS.

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El proyecto desarrollado por estudiantes y trabajadores de Diseinu Berrikuntza Zentroa de la universidad en colaboración con CAF, se muestra en el espacio FUTURO de la exposición, dedicada al futuro de la movilidad.

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