
The Library has developed new guides on Open Science

NEW GUIDES The Library has developed new guides on Open Science 2024·02·28

It has carried out different actions within the framework of the project financed by the María de Guzmán grant for the promotion of scientific research of excellence of the FECYT

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The entity has won in the Education category for its program "Technologies for a world in transition" taught in the LEINN degree, and will receive its recognition on April 10 in Zhuhai, China.

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University of the Basque Country Rector Eva Ferreira, University of Deusto Rector Juan José Etxberria, Mondragon University Rector Vicente Atxa, BRTA General Director Rikardo Bueno Zabalo, and Ikerbasque researcher and ‘InpAkta’ Editor-in-Chief Ugo Mayor took part in the event, which was held at the Bizkaia Aretoa in Bilbao.

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