
Talk about ASPACE volunteering

TALK Talk about ASPACE volunteering 2022·10·20

Our students have had the opportunity to learn how the ASPACE association works.

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On December 2, a conference on how to bring together the Basque language and interculturality in the educational communities of Basque-speaking municipalities

CONFERENCE On December 2, a conference on how to bring together the Basque language and interculturality in the educational communities of Basque-speaking municipalities 2022·10·19

The conference will deal with the experience that has been taking place since the last academic year in the educational community of Zaldibia.

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The student Julen Balzategui Oruna obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification with 'CUM LAUDE' mention

THESIS The student Julen Balzategui Oruna obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification with 'CUM LAUDE' mention 2022·10·19

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The concerts organized by Mondragon Unibertsitatea on the14th of October brought many people together.

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VII. Mundukide inter-cooperative solidarity race

Mundukide Solidarity Race VII. Mundukide inter-cooperative solidarity race 2022·10·17

This Sunday the 7th edition of this solidarity race was held in the surroundings of Urkulu, in Aretxabaleta.

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The project H2MAT leaded by Mondragon Unibertsitatea will develop the materials of the future for transporting hydrogen

PROJECT The project H2MAT leaded by Mondragon Unibertsitatea will develop the materials of the future for transporting hydrogen 2022·10·17

The project H2MAT leaded by Mondragon Unibertsitatea will develop the materials of the future for transporting hydrogen

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Surf initiation course in Sopela

Surfing course Surf initiation course in Sopela 2022·10·17

Surf course with the Gorka Yarritu Surf Eskola

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ULMA and the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon University sign an agreement to cooperate in training, research, and scientific and technological talent

AGREEMENT ULMA and the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon University sign an agreement to cooperate in training, research, and scientific and technological talent 2022·10·13

The agreement includes the realization of training activities, non-regulated training programs, research projects, doctoral theses, and transfer projects, among other things.

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How to apply the circular economy model in the processes of organizations?

CONFERENCE How to apply the circular economy model in the processes of organizations? 2022·10·13

The meeting, which was organized by the Polytechnic School of Mondragon University, is part of the Euskalit European Week of Advanced Quality Management.

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Debate on the Basque conflict on the Aretxabaleta campus

ROUND TABLE Debate on the Basque conflict on the Aretxabaleta campus 2022·10·11

Aintzane Ezenarro, Gorka Espiau, Jon Moñux and Mario Zubiaga participated in a round table entitled “Through the rearview mirror: the recent past, present and future of the Basque Country” (“Atzerako ispilutik: Euskal Herriaren iragan hurbila, oraina eta geroa”). The event is one of the activities organized under the Basque Government’s Plan for Coexistence, Human Rights and Diversity.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Adegi launch the II course on People, Culture and Talent for the Future of Work

Professional Learning Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Adegi launch the II course on People, Culture and Talent for the Future of Work 2022·10·11

The program will be held in Donostia in a classroom format, between January 26 and June 29, and will be combined with personalized online mentoring sess

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Maritxu Kajoi´s day

A SPECIAL DAY Maritxu Kajoi´s day 2022·10·10

Our students didn´t want to miss the Maritxu Kajoi day that was held in Arrasate last Friday.

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Conference to create meeting points, create habitable territories and share cooperative experiences held in Biziola de Lazkao

CONFERENCE Conference to create meeting points, create habitable territories and share cooperative experiences held in Biziola de Lazkao 2022·10·07

The conference, which was organized by KoopFabrika, was attended by representatives from Olatukoop and Mondragon University and by Barcelona: La Ciutat Invisible member Ivan Miró, among others.

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La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea lidera el proyecto europeo baSE para la capacitación avanzada de la economía social

PROYECTO La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea lidera el proyecto europeo baSE para la capacitación avanzada de la economía social 2022·10·06

El proyecto busca desarrollar nuevas habilidades, particularmente en las áreas digitales y verdes, con respecto a los perfiles ocupacionales en el sector de la Economía Social y la Proximidad. En baSE, participan 25 entidades de 10 países europeos entre los que está la Corporación MONDRAGON, referente internacional en la economía social.

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La Plataforma HCD Facility Tool seleccionada por Euskalit como buena práctica dentro de la semana europea de la calidad 2022

RECONOCIMIENTO La Plataforma HCD Facility Tool seleccionada por Euskalit como buena práctica dentro de la semana europea de la calidad 2022 2022·10·06

La plataforma HCD Facility Tool tiene como objetivo ayudar a las organizaciones a solucionar sus problemas del día a día poniendo el foco en las personas implicadas.

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La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación quiere contratar a una o un Técnico en procesos operativos de compra y contabilidad en el área administrativa y financiera

Oferta de empleo La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación quiere contratar a una o un Técnico en procesos operativos de compra y contabilidad en el área administrativa y financiera 2022·10·04

El plazo para recibir los currículos finalizará el día 7 de octubre.

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Expert certification in Cooperativism: 15 years training cooperativists

COOPERATIVISM Expert certification in Cooperativism: 15 years training cooperativists 2022·10·04

The course, which began on September 30, aims to offer cooperative members knowledge and tools to develop their cooperative socio-business project. This year, 23 people from 14 cooperatives will participate in the course.

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Dos cursos gratuitos para mejorar las capacidades digitales de mujeres desempleadas

CURSOS Dos cursos gratuitos para mejorar las capacidades digitales de mujeres desempleadas 2022·10·04

Los cursos, que están subvencionados al 100% por Lanbide, están dirigidos a mujeres desempleadas. Ambos se impartirán en el campus de Arrasate.

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The Be[di]girada research project is underway

RESEARCH The Be[di]girada research project is underway 2022·09·30

The study aims to analyze how to accommodate the philosophical and sociological bases of Digital Humanism in the academic field.

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Blood donations

BLOOD DONATION Blood donations 2022·09·30

Our students have had the opportunity to donate blood this week.

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The student Maialen Eceiza Olaizola obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification with 'CUM LAUDE’ and 'INDUSTRIAL DOCTORATE’ mentions

THESIS The student Maialen Eceiza Olaizola obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification with 'CUM LAUDE’ and 'INDUSTRIAL DOCTORATE’ mentions 2022·09·30

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Zetak, Skakeitan and Mugi Panderoa in Arrasate

Concert Zetak, Skakeitan and Mugi Panderoa in Arrasate 2022·09·29

Come to Arrasate on October 14th and enjoy these concerts!

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Beñat Herce Lezeta with Outstanding Grade in his Doctoral Thesis

Thesis Beñat Herce Lezeta with Outstanding Grade in his Doctoral Thesis 2022·09·27

On September 22nd, Thursday, the researcher and teacher Beñat Herce Lezeta defended his doctoral thesis with the qualification of outstanding

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Foreign exchange Erasmus students arrive at the Eskoriatza campus to take part in the Fall International Education Program

Erasmus Foreign exchange Erasmus students arrive at the Eskoriatza campus to take part in the Fall International Education Program 2022·09·27

This fall, there will be seven students from different European countries in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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El exciclista Markel Irizar ofreció una ponencia al alumnado de Ingeniería en Organización industrial sobre la importancia del análisis de datos y su aplicación en la mejora continua

SESIÓN El exciclista Markel Irizar ofreció una ponencia al alumnado de Ingeniería en Organización industrial sobre la importancia del análisis de datos y su aplicación en la mejora continua 2022·09·26

La ponencia se enmarcó dentro de la asignatura Mejora de procesos

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HCD Facility Tool. Conoce y experimenta herramientas de diseño centrado en las personas

JORNADA HCD Facility Tool. Conoce y experimenta herramientas de diseño centrado en las personas 2022·09·26

El 28 de octubre tendrá lugar en Arrasate una jornada dirigida a empresas donde se expondrán herramientas para resolver los problemas de las organizaciones poniendo a las personas implicadas en el foco, metodología Human Centered Design. La jornada se enmarca dentro de la Semana Europea de la Gestión Avanzada promovida por Euskalit.

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Gure Begirada

ONCE y MTA Gure Begirada" hackathon launched by ONCE and with the collaboration of Mondragon Team Academy for an inclusive world 2022·09·23

With the aim of making life easier for people with low vision, ONCE and Mondragon Unibertsitatea-Mondragon Team Academy are once again launching the second edition of Gure Begirada

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Mondragon University publishes the ‘2021 Guide to Children’s and Young People’s Literature’

PUBLICATION Mondragon University publishes the ‘2021 Guide to Children’s and Young People’s Literature’ 2022·09·23

A total of 14 professionals from libraries and educational centers participated in this edition. This project is promoted by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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Foreign students in Biteri

WELCOMING Foreign students in Biteri 2022·09·22

The foreign students who will be staying at Biteri have already arrived

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El alumno Adrián Santos, participa en el programa de aprendizaje RACE 2022 de EIT Raw Materials y consigue el 2ºpuesto junto a su equipo

PREMIO El alumno Adrián Santos, participa en el programa de aprendizaje RACE 2022 de EIT Raw Materials y consigue el 2ºpuesto junto a su equipo 2022·09·22

El programa de dos semanas tenía como objetivo aprender e innovar sobre retos de las materias primas en Europa para asegurar un futuro sostenible de acuerdo a la transición energética.

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