
Workshop for painting bags

WORKSHOP Workshop for painting bags 2023·03·08

We have organised a workshop to paint bags on International Women's Day

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Laura Macaya-Andrés will give a talk entitled 'Punctures, Ghosts And Zero Rock & Roll' at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences

Conference Laura Macaya-Andrés will give a talk entitled 'Punctures, Ghosts And Zero Rock & Roll' at the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences 2023·03·06

The talk will take place on March 22 at 6:00 p.m. on the Eskoriatza campus, and is open to the public.

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myGADE students involved with food waste in the Basque Country

Service learning project myGADE students involved with food waste in the Basque Country 2023·03·06

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B Global Talent brings together talent of 12 nationalities in Bizkaia

International Talent B Global Talent brings together talent of 12 nationalities in Bizkaia 2023·03·06

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European project EoLO-HUBs will develop innovative technologies to recycle high value materials from wind turbine blades

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EoLO-HUBs, co-funded with almost 10 million euros by the European Union, will recover glass and carbon fibre from large thermoset structures which have reached the end of their useful life. Engineering Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea is part of the project.

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Special day on human enterprise for Master's students

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Two representatives of Arizmendiarrietaren Lagunak Elkartea with an outstanding professional career gave the talk on Human Enterprise.

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Celebration Mondragon Unibertsitatea celebrates its 25th anniversary in the Kursaal 2023·03·01

Last friday, 24th February, Mondragon Unibertsitatea brought together hundreds of people at the Kursaal for its gala celebration of the University's 25th anniversary.

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Dual program On March 23, an open conference will be held as part of the sixth DualECA symposium 2023·03·01

The meeting, which will take place on the Eskoriatza campus, will bring together universities that work in education using the dual format. The topic chosen for this sixth year of the symposium is ‘Learning about dual experiences/different alternations: strengths and challenges’.

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Pau Pavón, entrepreneur of the LEINN degree at Mondragon Unibertsitatea, elected best university entrepreneur in Spain 2023 in the GSEA international awards

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The EP4H2 project receives funding from the Eusko Jaurlaritza - Basque Government through the Elkartek 2022 programme.

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'Gipuzkoharrok' video competition: Imagining the Gipuzkoa of the future

GipuzkoHarrok Competition 'Gipuzkoharrok' video competition: Imagining the Gipuzkoa of the future 2023·02·27

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On March 10, a conference aimed at school counselors: humanities student orientation and future employment

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The event will take place at Bilbao AS Fabrik, in Zorrozaurre, at 11:00 a.m. Registration is now open.

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The alliance of European universities led by Mondragon Unibertsitatea met in Kuopio, Finland

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The talks of the 2nd Mondragon Unibertsitatea Alumni Lecture Series are now available for viewing

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Students have been able to visit companies that value the importance of the design process and this has allowed them to see real applications of what they study in the classroom and identify where they want to direct their professional careers.

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Capitolina Díaz Martínez será quien dirija las sesiones, una referente en el ámbito de la igualdad que ha sido Consejera de Investigación en la Representación Permanente ante la Unión Europea en Bruselas, Directora General para la Igualdad en el Empleo del Ministerio de Igualdad, presidenta de la Asociación de Mujeres Investigadoras y Tecnólogas, entre otras.

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Esta actividad formativa es un ejemplo de la formación práctica, innovadora y cercana a la realidad que ofrece Mondragon Unibertsitatea ya que permite al alumnado conocer de primera mano la tecnología más puntera y los últimos avances en investigación que se pueden encontrar en el sector Biomédico.

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The diplomas of the second edition of MasterTECH were awarded today. MasterTECH is the specialisation programme for professionals in strategic technological areas for Basque industry promoted by the Engineering Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and IKERLAN

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