
4 Erasmus students enjoyed hiking last Friday

Hiking Besaide 4 Erasmus students enjoyed hiking last Friday 2021·02·22

On Friday we organized a hiking to Besaide with 4 Erasmus students

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La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación necesita contratar una persona para su Secretaría Académica

OFERTA LABORAL La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación necesita contratar una persona para su Secretaría Académica 2021·02·19

Se recogerán los curriculums hasta el 26 de febrero.

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The 10th annual Euspot ad competition focused on the theme of family farming

Euspot 2021 The 10th annual Euspot ad competition focused on the theme of family farming 2021·02·19

The presentation, held yesterday on the Aretxabaleta campus, was attended by the organizers of the contest and Josu Garaialdi, Director of Promotion of Hazi, the sponsor of the event.

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Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences researcher Eneko Bidegain presents the new edition of his book,

Publication Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences researcher Eneko Bidegain presents the new edition of his book, "Iparretarrak" 2021·02·19

Audiovisual Communication students Irati Egibar and Julene Etxauri served as interviewers at the event, which was held on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Cooperation between cooperatives during the pandemic

CONFERENCE Cooperation between cooperatives during the pandemic 2021·02·19

The Higher Polytechnic School hosted a conference aimed at master's students in which various cooperatives explained their success stories during the pandemic

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The Heat&Cook project generates 6 patents on domestic and professional heating systems

PROJECT The Heat&Cook project generates 6 patents on domestic and professional heating systems 2021·02·19

The ACEDE Cluster has joined forces with Copreci, Domusa, Eika, Fagor Industrial and Orkli, as well as with Ikerlan, Centro Stirling and Mondragon Unibertsitatea in this project financed by the Hazitek programme, which will generate almost 70 jobs

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Sports Service sweatshirts as an award to PBL winners at As Fabrik

PBL award sweatshirts Sports Service sweatshirts as an award to PBL winners at As Fabrik 2021·02·18

Groups nº4 and nº5 were the winners and received the sweatshirts

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Do you have ideas for dealing with international strategic challenges? Take part in the IDEATOIA conference!

CONFERENCE Do you have ideas for dealing with international strategic challenges? Take part in the IDEATOIA conference! 2021·02·17

Health, digital transformation and climate change will be the social challenges to be addressed by students at this conference which is part of an international contest, MONDRAGON CITY CHALLENGE, which pursues the objective of promoting cooperative entrepreneurship.

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Webinar gratuito sobre opciones de compartir y publicar paneles en Power BI Service con Marisa Ajuria

WEBINAR Webinar gratuito sobre opciones de compartir y publicar paneles en Power BI Service con Marisa Ajuria 2021·02·17

Este Webinar organizado por Mondragon Unibertsitatea tendrá lugar el próximo 25 de febrero de la mano de Marisa Ajuria, formadora en nuestros cursos de Business Intelligence y Power BI, donde nos mostrará las diferentes opciones de seguridad que nos ofrece el entorno de Microsoft Power BI para trabajar de forma colaborativa con diferentes equipos, departamentos, franquicia, delegaciones, etc. Así como las opciones que tenemos de compartir nuestros informes con terceros . ¡No te pierdas este webinar!

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CircularTRANS workshop: Project offering best practices, tools and advice to companies to move towards circular economy

ONLINE WORKSHOP CircularTRANS workshop: Project offering best practices, tools and advice to companies to move towards circular economy 2021·02·16

The CircularTRANS project promoted by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and Mondragon Unibertsitatea aims to improve the competitiveness of companies through the transition to a circular economy.

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Videos and exercise charts

Our guided sessions Videos and exercise charts 2021·02·15

Discover our guided sessions and strength and flexibility tables

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Mondragon University’s LANKI Institute of Cooperative Studies launches website

Lanki Mondragon University’s LANKI Institute of Cooperative Studies launches website 2021·02·14

The new site compiles all the information on the model research group in the field of cooperativism founded in 2001 by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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Three members of the LANKI Institute of Cooperative Studies will take part in an international conference on cooperativism in Argentina

INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE Three members of the LANKI Institute of Cooperative Studies will take part in an international conference on cooperativism in Argentina 2021·02·12

Researchers from the LANKI Institute of Cooperative Studies will give three talks on Social Solidarity Economics (SSE) and Cooperativism.

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Specialization course in Management of Cooperative Enterprises

Cooperative Specialization course in Management of Cooperative Enterprises 2021·02·11

Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Konfekoop organize the 13. Edition of the Specialization Course in Cooperative Business Management

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Donation of computer equipment from the university

DONATION Donation of computer equipment from the university 2021·02·10

Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa collaborates with the Reciclanet association to extend the useful life of computer equipment and reduce the digital divide

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Researchers of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa participate in the organization of the 6th International Conference on New Business Models

CONFERENCE Researchers of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa participate in the organization of the 6th International Conference on New Business Models 2021·02·10

The conference will be held on June 9-11 (online) and submissions deadline ends on February 14.

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The second entrepreneurship fair from vocational training students at Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa took place online

FAIR The second entrepreneurship fair from vocational training students at Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa took place online 2021·02·10

Sixty students from Upper Level Training Cycles took part in the fair

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Artificial Intelligence and Mondragon Unibertsitatea sign an agreement for students of the Degree in Business Data Analytics to be the future professionals in Artificial Intelligence 2021·02·10

Thanks to the agreement, students of the Bachelor's Degree in Business Data Analytics (BDatA) at Mondragon Unibertsitatea will be able to experiment with the Artificial Intelligence platform and technology

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myGADE celebrates its International Week

International Week myGADE celebrates its International Week 2021·02·10

MyGADE first-year students have celebrated International Week. This year it was decided to bring the countries to class due to the difficulties to go abroad. This has helped first year students to have a first contact with internationalization

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Do you need advice to plan your workouts or healthy lifestyle habits?

Personal planning Do you need advice to plan your workouts or healthy lifestyle habits? 2021·02·09

The Sports Service can help you achieve your goals in a healthy way.

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Faculty researchers gave a talk on teacher training at the ‘Zuzendarien Elkargunea’ meeting organized by the Department of Education

Meeting Faculty researchers gave a talk on teacher training at the ‘Zuzendarien Elkargunea’ meeting organized by the Department of Education 2021·02·08

The meeting, organized by the Department of Education of the Basque Government, was attended by the directors of all Basque public schools.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea, SD Eibar and WATS Team sign an agreement to promote professional sports training

Sports Training Mondragon Unibertsitatea, SD Eibar and WATS Team sign an agreement to promote professional sports training 2021·02·08

Through pioneering university Master and Postgraduate programs in the Basque Country

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Sport sweatshirt design contest Resolution of the sweatshirt design contest 2021·02·02

16 differnt desings and one winner in the sport sweatshirt design contest

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4th year Engineering students present technological entrepreneurship business ideas

ENTREPRENEURSHIP 4th year Engineering students present technological entrepreneurship business ideas 2021·02·02

For three months they worked on 12 technological entrepreneurship ideas. The students received support and advice from expert personnel.

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Industrial Design Engineering students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea take to the podium in the World Industrial Packaging Design Awards for students

AWARD Industrial Design Engineering students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea take to the podium in the World Industrial Packaging Design Awards for students 2021·02·02

Students Jone Pérez, Garazi Otxandorena and Mario Marco achieved second prize at the WorldStar Student Awards for their revolutionary design for honey dispensing packaging for the Apisol company

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January Strava challenge winners January challenge winners 2021·02·02

We already have the winners of the January draw

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On February 11, open webinar on platforms, tools and tricks for online facilitation

MASTER LIT On February 11, open webinar on platforms, tools and tricks for online facilitation 2021·02·01

The webinar will be offered by Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences professor and researcher Edurne Galíndez. The talk will start at 6:00 pm.

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On February 8, we will hold the public accreditation event for the doctoral program in Educational Innovation and Intervention.

DOCTORAL PROGRAM On February 8, we will hold the public accreditation event for the doctoral program in Educational Innovation and Intervention. 2021·02·01

El pograma de doctorado está creado conjuntamente por Mondragon Unibertsitatea y la Universitat de Vic–Universitat Central de Catalunya.

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and ikerlan create a steering team to strengthen their strategic collaboration

COLLABORATION Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and ikerlan create a steering team to strengthen their strategic collaboration 2021·02·01

Both organisations have made a commitment to work together on different future challenges such as attracting and developing talent and excellence in the field of research.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea is involved in the project, which encompasses two of the main drivers of innovation: Artificial Intelligence and the Internet of Things

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