
Nordic walking trainings and walks

Nordic walking Nordic walking trainings and walks 2021·05·06

This spring, we are offering trainings and walks to get to know and practice this modality.

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26 representatives from Catalan schools will come to the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences to study innovation projects in Basque schools in situ

EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION 26 representatives from Catalan schools will come to the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences to study innovation projects in Basque schools in situ 2021·05·04

For two days, May 7 and 8, representatives from Escoles FEDAC will attend seminars, visit schools, and receive feedback from experts in educational innovation so that they can improve the innovation projects that they design in the course.

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Eneko Bidegain, researcher of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences at Mondragon University, has won the ‘Jon Bilbao 2021’ chair

RESEARCH Eneko Bidegain, researcher of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences at Mondragon University, has won the ‘Jon Bilbao 2021’ chair 2021·05·03

The Mondragon University researcher will go to the Center for Basque Studies at the University of Nevada – Reno in the United States to analyze both the ways in which diaspora members are informed about the Basque Country and their vision of Basque territoriality.

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Historical ephemeris

Sport Service 1980 Historical ephemeris 2021·04·30

Offer of the Sports Service in 1980

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Online course on the strategies and practice of co-teaching in the classroom

ONLINE COURSE Online course on the strategies and practice of co-teaching in the classroom 2021·04·28

The online course entitled “Co-teaching experiences in the classroom” consists of 20 hours and will begin on May 3.

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MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA and MONDRAGON Corporation have presented awards for End-of-Course Projects in Basque

Awards MONDRAGON UNIBERTSITATEA and MONDRAGON Corporation have presented awards for End-of-Course Projects in Basque 2021·04·26

Markel Azkue Etxeandia, a student at the Higher Polytechnic School has received the first prize for a project for IKERLAN and Garazi Eizmendi Iribar, also a student at the Higher Polytechnic School, received the second prize for her project for Danobat

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The global challenge carried out by the students of the second year of myGADE took place on April 19, 20 and 21

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Thesis defense of Daniel Bernal Rodríguez

THESIS Thesis defense of Daniel Bernal Rodríguez 2021·04·23

Title of the thesis: "Hierarchical microstructure design and cast processing route of a modified TNM gamma TiAl alloy.". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification.

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Guided tours to the Eskoriatza and Aretxabaleta campuses

GUIDED TOURS Guided tours to the Eskoriatza and Aretxabaleta campuses 2021·04·22

In Eskoriatza, participants will visit the spaces where degrees in Education are offered, and in Aretxabaleta, they will visit the campus where degree courses in Audiovisual Communication are taught.

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Bilbao Basket, Mondragon Unibertsitatea and WATS, sign an agreement to promote professionalization and employability in sport

Agreement Bilbao Basket, Mondragon Unibertsitatea and WATS, sign an agreement to promote professionalization and employability in sport 2021·04·22

Bilbao Basket, through its Foundation, the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsi-tatea and WATS, a reference organization in professional sports training and prevention of violence in sport, have signed an agreement to promote training, professionalization and employability in sport through two university programs: Master in Innovation and Sports Business Management and Postgraduate in Sports Innovation.

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Programa de apoyo para la incorporación del human centered design en la empresa. Presentación de casos de empresas

PROGRAMA Programa de apoyo para la incorporación del human centered design en la empresa. Presentación de casos de empresas 2021·04·22

Son muchos los problemas a los que se enfrentan las empresas en su día a día, pero son pocas las empresas que integran a las personas implicadas en su resolución. El método del Diseño Centrado en las Personas puede ayudarte con la solución.

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March challenge winners

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We already have the winners of the March draw

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Cursos 100% subvencionados por Lanbide y Fondo Social Europeo para formar a empleados y potenciar sus habilidades

CURSOS Cursos 100% subvencionados por Lanbide y Fondo Social Europeo para formar a empleados y potenciar sus habilidades 2021·04·15

Mondragon Goi Eskola politeknikoa impartirá nuevos cursos en los próximos meses

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Thesis defense of Unai Izagirre Aizpitarte

THESIS Thesis defense of Unai Izagirre Aizpitarte 2021·04·15

Title of the thesis: "Towards data-driven predictive maintenance for industrial robots". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification.

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Oxel Azkarate: “Based on students’ self-perception, we offer a tool to measure the characteristics that influence the profile of the Cooperative Person”

INTERVIEW Oxel Azkarate: “Based on students’ self-perception, we offer a tool to measure the characteristics that influence the profile of the Cooperative Person” 2021·04·14

The dissertation “Creation and validation of the KOOPHEZI-i tool to measure the profile of the Cooperative Person among young students,” defended by Oxel Azkarate in March on the Eskoriatza campus, earned the cum laude designation. We spoke with the author about his research.

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The conference will show what data cooperatives are and what they are for

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Saturday, April 17, Open House Day for degree programs

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The degree programs in Audiovisual Communication and Global Digital Humanities (GDH) will hold Open House Days in Aretxabaleta and Bilbao, respectively. The Open Houses for the degree programs in Early Childhood Education and Primary Education will be held online.

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We already have a logo for the 21st Euskadi Championship of University Sports

Resolution logo design We already have a logo for the 21st Euskadi Championship of University Sports 2021·04·12

90 different designs and 41 participants in the logo design contest

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Hiking around Aloña with Erasmus students

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Circular route going up the summits of Aloña, Kurtzezar and Buetraitz

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Encarni Markotegi, head of people management at Adegi, gave a lecture to engineering degree and higher education students

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On March 23rd took place the closing ceremony of the pilot program Promoting Quality Social Investment in Spain (PISCE) promoted by ONCE Foundation, Laboral Kutxa, the Business School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Institute of Human Rights Gregorio Peces-Barba of UC3M

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El próximo 9 de abril, presentaremos en Barcelona el máster universitario Lit

Máster Lit El próximo 9 de abril, presentaremos en Barcelona el máster universitario Lit 2021·03·26

En el acto participan dos de las coordinadoras del máster: Edurne Galíndez de Mondragon Unibertsitatea y Beatriz García de TeamLabs.

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Webinar: Desarrollo de sistemas eléctricos con diseño basado en modelos

SEMINARIO Webinar: Desarrollo de sistemas eléctricos con diseño basado en modelos 2021·03·26

El seminario se centrará en la aplicación de técnicas de simulación en tiempo real para el estudio de sistemas eléctricos, convertidores electrónicos de potencia y sistemas de almacenamiento, que serán claves para avanzar hacia soluciones innovadoras en materia de eficiencia energética, energía renovable y movilidad eléctrica.

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Yesterday we had the opportunity to climb Udalaitz with the Erasmus students.

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The racquetball championship began today

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The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Creation and validation of the KOOPHEZI-i tool to measure the profile of the Cooperative Person among young students,” took place on the Eskoriatza campus.

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They will work together in scientific and technological fields of common interest with special emphasis on talent and the promotion of young professionals.

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