
2021-2022 course start dates in the Faculty of Engineering

Start of course 2021-2022 course start dates in the Faculty of Engineering 2021·07·28

Bachelor's and Master's degrees and Advanced Training Cycles will begin in September. The Administration and the Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Engineering will open on 1 September.

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Concludes the first edition of MasterTECH, the professionals’ specialization program of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Ikerlan in strategic technological areas

PROFESIONAL LEARNING SPACE Concludes the first edition of MasterTECH, the professionals’ specialization program of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Ikerlan in strategic technological areas 2021·07·28

Teaching and research staff from both entities share their knowledge in areas of great demand in Basque industry. The first edition focused on advanced electronic systems and the second edition will focus on data analysis and cybersecurity.

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Aitor Ruiz de la Torre good in his doctoral thesis

Doctoral Thesis Aitor Ruiz de la Torre good in his doctoral thesis 2021·07·26

The presentation of the thesis " Características y Factores Clave para el Desarrollo de Modelos de Negocio enfocados a la Servitización (Industria 4.0). Un estudio de caso." has been carried out in Oñati

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Igor Ortega Sunsundegui, cum laude in his doctoral thesis

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The presentation of the thesis " La Contribución de los Fundadores del Cooperativismo de Mondragon al Pensamiento Cooperativo" has been carried out in Oñati

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Thesis defense of Mikel Ezkurra Mayor

THESIS Thesis defense of Mikel Ezkurra Mayor 2021·07·26

Title of the thesis: "Development of a numerical fluid-structure interaction methodology to model transient leakage phenomena". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification.

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Thesis defense of Urtzi Markiegi Gonzalez

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Title of the thesis: "Test optimization for Highly-Configurable Cyber-Physical Systems". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification.

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La presentación de la tesis internacional "Students’ Digital Competence: Basque Secondary School Students’ Digital Competence Development Through Eki Educational Resource" se ha llevado a cabo en el campus de Eskoriatza.

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Diseinu Berrikuntza zentroa ha publicado una guía actualizada del proyecto Elkardesign

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Title of the thesis: "Aplicación de Electrónica de Potencia en Media Tensión para mejora de prestaciones en Infraestructuras Ferroviarias". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification.

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Goodbye to the 2020-21 course

Thank you Goodbye to the 2020-21 course 2021·07·20

Thanks to all the participants

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Thesis defense of María Vivar Simon

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Title of the thesis: "University-Business Cooperation: A look at the organisational context-related factors that shape cooperation activities in Basque manufacturing SMEs". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification and has received the ‘Doctor Internacional’ mention.

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Thesis defense of Unai Galfarsoro Anduaga

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Title of the thesis: "Fault diagnosis in permanent magnet synchronous motors for elevator installations". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification.

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Expert Course in Cooperativism

COOPERATIVISM Expert Course in Cooperativism 2021·07·19

This year, representatives from 14 cooperatives took part in the course. The event was held on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Nerea Sánchez Urien, cum laude in her doctoral thesis

Doctoral Thesis Nerea Sánchez Urien, cum laude in her doctoral thesis 2021·07·19

The presentation of the thesis "Agile Development & High-Performance Ecosystems. Participatory Action Research in two Basque enterprises to make tangible the foundations of AD&HP Ecosystems" has been carried out in online mode

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El reto ha consistido en evaluar y proponer sistemas para mejorar la eficiencia de la planta de Almacenamiento de Energía de Aire Líquido (LAES) mediante la mejora del rendimiento térmico, introduciendo fuentes adicionales de calor o frío, nuevas soluciones para potenciar la producción, mejorar el aprovechamiento energético…

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La presentación de los proyectos de fin de curso se llevó a cabo en Bilbao, en AS Fabrik.

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The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Irakaslearen begirada sentikorraren eraikuntza” (“Creating the teacher’s sensitive view”) was held on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Title of the thesis: "Advanced measurement techniques to improve predictive modelling of cutting processes by using inverse simulation". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification and has received the ‘Doctor Internacional’ mention.

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The Horizon 2020 Smart Cities and Communities project SmartEnCity goes into a one-year extension from August 2021 to July 2022. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and some further unplanned obstacles during the five previous project years, this extension is important to successfully complete the envisaged tasks and to deliver the required monitoring results to the European Commission.

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SEABAT is developing a modular, hybrid maritime battery concept that is totally electric, to substantially reduce the costs of the large aquatic batteries of more than 1MWh.

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Title of the thesis: "Desarrollo de la metodología numérica para el análisis del comportamiento de absorbedores falling film de LiBr-H2O". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification.

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NEW PROJECT The new technological entrepreneurship project launched by mondragon goi eskola politeknikoa will have the collaboration of the ministry of science and innovation 2021·07·08

The purpose of the project is the renovation of the industry from being resource intense, polluting industry in mature sectors and technologies, into a knowledge-intensive, clean and digital industry, through the promotion of industrial diversification processes and the generation of new industrial activities.

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Demographic change is a major challenge for today's society, but it is also a professional opportunity for professionals from various disciplines. This new master's degree will train professionals from backgrounds so that they can identify ideas and market niches to guarantee quality of life for the people who make up the Silver Economy

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Title of the thesis: "Sensor and CNC internal signal evaluation to detect tool and workpiece malfunctions in the drilling process". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification and has received the ‘Doctor Internacional’ mention.

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The presentation will take place online and registration for the event is now open.

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The first year of the Communication Campus has opened

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The new building of the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences in Eskoriatza has been awarded the Spanish Biennial of Architecture and Urbanism BEAU 2021 prize. The building was inaugurated at the beginning of this academic year.

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