
Graduation ceremony for the second graduating class of the Lit Master’s Degree program at Bilbao AS Fabrik

LIT MASTER’S DEGREE Graduation ceremony for the second graduating class of the Lit Master’s Degree program at Bilbao AS Fabrik 2021·11·21

The distribution of graduation photos, held on November 19, was attended by this year’s Master’s students and by students in the Chief Learning Officer (CLO) diploma program, who began their studies that day.

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This training program, whose aim is to inspire changes in the role of teachers and in education, was presented in Barcelona.

DIPLOMA IN NEW ROLES This training program, whose aim is to inspire changes in the role of teachers and in education, was presented in Barcelona. 2021·11·20

The Specialist Diploma in New Roles for Learning in Education (ROL), a 30-ECTS program, will begin in January in the hybrid format. In-person meetings will be held in Barcelona.

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The XXI University Championship of Euskadi has been held in the Bilbao AS Fabrik building

Euskadi University Championship The XXI University Championship of Euskadi has been held in the Bilbao AS Fabrik building 2021·11·19

It has been a "special" edition on fitness machines and around 60 students from the three universities have participated

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Entrepreneurship from university: 50 women under 30 who have completed LEINN degree and now have their own companies

Women’s Entrepreneurship Day Entrepreneurship from university: 50 women under 30 who have completed LEINN degree and now have their own companies 2021·11·18

To mark International Women’s Entrepreneurship Day, which is celebrated on 19 November, Mondragon Team Academy, a global community dedicated to training in team-entrepreneurship wants to highlight the work done by LEINNers wh have been part of some of the undergraduate or postgraduate courses taught by Mondragon Unibertsitatea in the field of entrepreneurship. To this end, it shares the list of 50 women, all under 30 years of age, who started out as teampreneurs at the age of 18 during their time at university and who today have consolidated their own companies in different sectors.

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This week has started the 2nd group of initiation to climbing in Aretxabaleta

Climbing course This week has started the 2nd group of initiation to climbing in Aretxabaleta 2021·11·17

8 students participate in this 2nd group.

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MyDigiCoop: Personalised Digital Learning Paths to Foster Social-Cooperative Entrepreneurship

MyDigiCoop MyDigiCoop: Personalised Digital Learning Paths to Foster Social-Cooperative Entrepreneurship 2021·11·15

Bringing in a new paradigm for a better and more socially equal society by fostering social-cooperative mindset.

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The sustainability commission will help in the solidarity rally “Uniraid”

COLLABORATION The sustainability commission will help in the solidarity rally “Uniraid” 2021·11·15

They will collaborate with two students who are going to participate, one from the Mondragon University and the other from the University of Deusto

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Seminario de presentación del curso de especialización en gestión industrial dirigido a profesionales

SEMINARIO Seminario de presentación del curso de especialización en gestión industrial dirigido a profesionales 2021·11·15

El seminario tendrá lugar el 25 de noviembre con el objetivo de aclarar las dudas de los y las profesionales que están interesadas en especializarse en el ámbito de la gestión industrial

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The 2021 MGEP´s winning projects of the 2nd edition of the TPS start contest

CONTEST The 2021 MGEP´s winning projects of the 2nd edition of the TPS start contest 2021·11·15

KIMUBERRI has facilitated the reward awarded to the three leading projects and also to the best entrepreneurial pitching in a contest that fosters alumni´s sustainable technological entrepreneurship in MGEP.

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Iraia Irazusta Mujika recognised as best speaker at the VIII University Debate League in Basque

Debate Iraia Irazusta Mujika recognised as best speaker at the VIII University Debate League in Basque 2021·11·13

The Mondragon University team was formed by Iraia Irazusta Mujika, Leire Lisón, Pablo Valle Entrena and Xabier Vidriales Mazorriaga.

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Sharing experiences between agents of the BBF ecosystem and social entrepreneurs of Ashoka Spain

Ashoka Sharing experiences between agents of the BBF ecosystem and social entrepreneurs of Ashoka Spain 2021·11·12

After the meeting held on November 8 at BBK Kuna, the home of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of Bizkaia, with the presentation of Ashoka Social Entrepreneurs 2021, it was time to share experiences in Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria

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Sustainable travels New panel "Live by bicycle" in Aretxabaleta 2021·11·12

Information panel about cycling between campuses.

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Presentation of the Etorkizuna Eraikiz Congress

Press Conference Presentation of the Etorkizuna Eraikiz Congress 2021·11·11

The meeting will be held at the Kursaal in Donostia and is organised by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, UPV/EHU and Deusto.

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La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea enseña a las empresas su equipamiento tecnológico relacionado dispositivos médicos y salud digital para identificar oportunidades de colaboración

JORNADA La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea enseña a las empresas su equipamiento tecnológico relacionado dispositivos médicos y salud digital para identificar oportunidades de colaboración 2021·11·11

El encuentro se enmarca dentro de las jornadas de inmersión Deep Dive del Basque Digital Innovation Hub (BDIH) promovidos por la SPRI, una iniciativa que pretende poner a disposición de las empresas vascas (PYMES y grandes empresas) los modernos equipamientos tecnológicos que disponen los miembros de la Red Vasca de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.

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The student Unai Morales Diez obtained the qualification 'CUM LAUDE'.

THESIS The student Unai Morales Diez obtained the qualification 'CUM LAUDE'. 2021·11·10

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Webinar: la importancia de la involucración de las personas para solucionar los problemas del día a día de las empresas

JORNADA Webinar: la importancia de la involucración de las personas para solucionar los problemas del día a día de las empresas 2021·11·10

Son muchos los problemas a los que se enfrentan las empresas en su día a día, pero son pocas las empresas que integran a las personas implicadas en su resolución. El método del Diseño Centrado en las Personas puede ayudarte con la solución y se presentará en la jornada del 29 de noviembre.

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Week of learnings in Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria

Learning week BBF Week of learnings in Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria 2021·11·10

Several learnings in our entrepreneurial ecosystem.

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Online course to work on the student exit profile

Education Online course to work on the student exit profile 2021·11·10

The program, designed in collaboration with Reimagine Education, will be offered online. It will begin on February 1 and consists of 25 hours of instruction. Registration is now open.

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Community and Demo Day at the Bilbao Berrikuntza Factory

Mondragon Team Academy Community and Demo Day at the Bilbao Berrikuntza Factory 2021·11·10

Mondragon Team Academy community has celebrated the Community and Demo Day at Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria.

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On November 19 in Barcelona, we will present our Specialist Diploma in New Roles for Learning in Education (ROL)

ROL On November 19 in Barcelona, we will present our Specialist Diploma in New Roles for Learning in Education (ROL) 2021·11·09

Representatives from Escoles Fedac who participated in the program last year will number among the participants in the meeting, which is entitled “Transform your role, change the school.”

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Discussion on territorial cooperative ecosystems as keys for fostering and facilitation to be held on November 16

ClLO Discussion on territorial cooperative ecosystems as keys for fostering and facilitation to be held on November 16 2021·11·08

The online round table will begin at 5:00 p.m. and is one of the activities offered through the Specialist Diploma program in Chief Learning Officer (CLO).

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Representatives of the mechanical design research group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have participated in the national congress of mechanical engineering.

CONGRESS Representatives of the mechanical design research group of Mondragon Unibertsitatea have participated in the national congress of mechanical engineering. 2021·11·08

The meeting was held in Jaén from October 20 to 22.

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Yoga Euskadi advantages New agreement with Sanatana Dharma Yoga association 2021·11·08

Discounts at any Sanatana Dharma Yoga center

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KoopFabrika will offer its training program in November and December on the Eskoriatza campus

KOOPFABRIKA KoopFabrika will offer its training program in November and December on the Eskoriatza campus 2021·11·08

In addition to participants in this sixth year of the program, interested parties outside the program may also register for sessions.

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La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea enseña a las empresas su equipamiento tecnológico relacionados con las redes eléctricas para identificar oportunidades de colaboración

JORNADA La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea enseña a las empresas su equipamiento tecnológico relacionados con las redes eléctricas para identificar oportunidades de colaboración 2021·11·08

El encuentro se enmarca dentro de las jornadas de inmersión Deep Dive del Basque Digital Innovation Hub (BDIH) promovidos por la SPRI, una iniciativa que pretende poner a disposición de las empresas vascas (PYMES y grandes empresas) los modernos equipamientos tecnológicos que disponen los miembros de la Red Vasca de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.

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Nuevo curso experto universitario para capacitar a científicos de datos

CURSO Nuevo curso experto universitario para capacitar a científicos de datos 2021·11·08

Con la proliferación del volumen de datos en las empresas y la irrupción de tecnologías SMAC (Social, Mobile, Analytics y Cloud), cada vez son más demandados los perfiles técnicos capaces de realizar análisis de datos avanzados en entornos Big Data. Mondragon Unibertsitatea, ha creado un nuevo curso semi-presencial que comenzará el próximo mes de Enero.

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The Mondragon Team Academy Entrepreneurship Network, together with the LEINN Degree, have been presented in Preston

Mondragon Team Academy The Mondragon Team Academy Entrepreneurship Network, together with the LEINN Degree, have been presented in Preston 2021·11·08

A delegation of MONDRAGON representatives presented a report on the generation of cooperative entrepreneurship ecosystems and their social impact.

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This week the Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2021 championship was held

MU Championship This week the Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2021 championship was held 2021·11·05

It has been a "special" edition with fitness machines and 14 students have participated

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“De la plática a la práctica”, presentación en Barcelona del Diploma Universitario de Especialización en Nuevos Roles para el Aprendizaje en Educación (ROL)

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El 24 de noviembre presentaremos en Barcelona el diploma ROL, un programa dirigido a los y las profesionales de la educación y que tiene como objetivo contribuir al cambio de rol del profesorado.

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This week the dance classes have started in Biteri

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