
Gure Begirada

ONCE y MTA Gure Begirada" hackathon launched by ONCE and with the collaboration of Mondragon Team Academy for an inclusive world 2022·09·23

With the aim of making life easier for people with low vision, ONCE and Mondragon Unibertsitatea-Mondragon Team Academy are once again launching the second edition of Gure Begirada

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Mondragon University publishes the ‘2021 Guide to Children’s and Young People’s Literature’

PUBLICATION Mondragon University publishes the ‘2021 Guide to Children’s and Young People’s Literature’ 2022·09·23

A total of 14 professionals from libraries and educational centers participated in this edition. This project is promoted by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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Foreign students in Biteri

WELCOMING Foreign students in Biteri 2022·09·22

The foreign students who will be staying at Biteri have already arrived

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El alumno Adrián Santos, participa en el programa de aprendizaje RACE 2022 de EIT Raw Materials y consigue el 2ºpuesto junto a su equipo

PREMIO El alumno Adrián Santos, participa en el programa de aprendizaje RACE 2022 de EIT Raw Materials y consigue el 2ºpuesto junto a su equipo 2022·09·22

El programa de dos semanas tenía como objetivo aprender e innovar sobre retos de las materias primas en Europa para asegurar un futuro sostenible de acuerdo a la transición energética.

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Interactive webinar for students in manufacturing to learn about manufacturing business ethics and social impact.

SESION Interactive webinar for students in manufacturing to learn about manufacturing business ethics and social impact. 2022·09·22

On 7 October, there will be 3 sessions of 2 hours each on green manufacturing from a technology, industrialisation and innovation perspective. On 14 October, there will be another 3 sessions on technology as a driver of solution design.

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The student Josu Olmos Amondarain obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification with 'INTERNATIONAL DOCTORATE’ and 'CUM LAUDE' mentions

THESIS The student Josu Olmos Amondarain obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification with 'INTERNATIONAL DOCTORATE’ and 'CUM LAUDE' mentions 2022·09·22

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches an Expert Course in Investment and Impact Entrepreneurship, in collaboration with BBK and Seed Capital Bizkaia

Expert Course Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches an Expert Course in Investment and Impact Entrepreneurship, in collaboration with BBK and Seed Capital Bizkaia 2022·09·21

The course will be given in classroom mode, starting on October 13 and ending on December 15

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Hasta el 6 de octubre, abierta la inscripción en la 9ª edición del título experto en Transmisión de la Cultura Vasca

EKT Hasta el 6 de octubre, abierta la inscripción en la 9ª edición del título experto en Transmisión de la Cultura Vasca 2022·09·21

El inicio de la 9ª edición del título experto coincidirá con el inicio del proyecto de los iruneses Iñaki Goikoetxea y Maialen López: “Hemen gaude”, creado en la 8ª edición de EKT, un “road trip” cultural que recorrerá nueve países de Sudamérica.

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Mondragon University and communication agency AZK have organized a conference on brand issues aimed at schools

CONFERENCE Mondragon University and communication agency AZK have organized a conference on brand issues aimed at schools 2022·09·20

On October 27, the Eskoriatza campus will host a conference entitled “Hau da marka! How to make your school’s brand stand out.” Registration is now open.

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LEINN's music plays again at the BBF

LEINN LEINN's music plays again at the BBF 2022·09·16

The week of 12 September is the week to welcome the new team entrepreneurs

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Andrea Aginagalde, docente-investigadora de Mondragon Unibertsitatea, miembro del jurado en el VI Premio Acerinox

PREMIO Andrea Aginagalde, docente-investigadora de Mondragon Unibertsitatea, miembro del jurado en el VI Premio Acerinox 2022·09·16

El objetivo del premio es fomentar el conocimiento y las aplicaciones del acero inoxidable entre los y las jóvenes estudiantes de arquitectura e ingeniería a nivel estatal.

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Official opening of Mondragon University’s 2022-2023 academic year

Evento Official opening of Mondragon University’s 2022-2023 academic year 2022·09·16

The Rector of the University highlights the social and economic impact of the University on its 25th anniversary during the opening ceremony of the academic year.

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Hackathon: Emprendimiento y economía plateada

EVENTO Hackathon: Emprendimiento y economía plateada 2022·09·14

24 horas donde estudiantes, profesionales y ciudadanos senior trabajarán conjuntamente para encontrar las mejores soluciones innovadores en el ámbito del envejecimiento poblacional

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Hiking to Murugain with 1st grade students

Mountain Hiking to Murugain with 1st grade students 2022·09·14

Activity within the reception plan for new students

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La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea enseña a las empresas su equipamiento tecnológico relacionado con tecnología de forja para identificar oportunidades de colaboración

JORNADA La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea enseña a las empresas su equipamiento tecnológico relacionado con tecnología de forja para identificar oportunidades de colaboración 2022·09·13

El encuentro se enmarca dentro de las jornadas de inmersión Deep Dive del Basque Digital Innovation Hub (BDIH) promovidos por la SPRI, una iniciativa que pretende poner a disposición de las empresas vascas (PYMES y grandes empresas) los modernos equipamientos tecnológicos que disponen los miembros de la Red Vasca de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación.

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The expert course in Chief Learning Office (CLO) begins its calendar of events with an open seminar on facilitation and innovation in companies and an information session on the diploma program

Clo The expert course in Chief Learning Office (CLO) begins its calendar of events with an open seminar on facilitation and innovation in companies and an information session on the diploma program 2022·09·12

On September 29, Borja Garzón will offer a webinar entitled “Learning facilitation, superpowers to help companies innovate.” On October 6, Bea García, Co-Director of the CLO program, will present the keys to the diploma program, which will begin in November.

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Starting the course in Biteri

EXCURSION Starting the course in Biteri 2022·09·12

To start the course, we have organized diferent activites for two days

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Introducing our service to new students

Reception plan Introducing our service to new students 2022·09·12

During these first weeks, we will present our service to 1st year students

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Estudiantes de Mondragon Unibertsitatea del Máster en ‘Silver Economy’ presentan sus proyectos a la Diputación de Bizkaia

EVENTO Estudiantes de Mondragon Unibertsitatea del Máster en ‘Silver Economy’ presentan sus proyectos a la Diputación de Bizkaia 2022·09·12

La Universidad y la Diputación Foral de Bizkaia unieron fuerzas el año pasado para formar a personas que hagan frente al reto demográfico y contribuir a mejorar la vida de las personas mayores a través de la creación de innovadoras iniciativas tecnológicas

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BBF bike loan

Loan BBF bike loan 2022·09·09

Get around central Bilbao by bike

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The student Ángel Longueira Romero obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification with 'CUM LAUDE' mention

THESIS The student Ángel Longueira Romero obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification with 'CUM LAUDE' mention 2022·09·08

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This year the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 324 new undergraduates

START OF THE 2022-2023 ACADEMIC YEAR This year the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 324 new undergraduates 2022·09·07

The Faculty offers four degree programs: Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Audiovisual Communication and Global Digital Humanities (HDG).

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A conference was held in Eskoriatza to improve transition processes in schools

Education A conference was held in Eskoriatza to improve transition processes in schools 2022·09·05

On September 5, Mondragon University’s Eskoriatza campus hosted a conference organized in conjunction with Goieskola, the public school association of Debagoiena.

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You can now see our offer for the 2022-2023 academic year

Sports and health activities You can now see our offer for the 2022-2023 academic year 2022·09·02

Check out our program and get involved!

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El investigador de Mondragon Unibertsitatea Gorka Ortiz de Zarate Bengoa, recibe el prestigioso Premio de la Medalla Taylor de fabricación avanzada

PREMIO El investigador de Mondragon Unibertsitatea Gorka Ortiz de Zarate Bengoa, recibe el prestigioso Premio de la Medalla Taylor de fabricación avanzada 2022·09·01

Ortiz de Zarate ha conseguido el Premio por el trabajo de investigación publicado en 2021 en el que proponía un método nuevo para caracterizar la fricción entre la viruta y herramienta de corte en procesos de mecanizado, una investigación dirigido a las industrias aeronáutica y automoción.

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Ecosystem BBF Life is about people and relationships 2022·07·29

Bilbao Berrikuntza Faktoria (BBF) is a pioneering project for learning, innovation and entrepreneurship

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The wall of the BBF's Open Innovation Street will be in colour from September onwards

Competition The wall of the BBF's Open Innovation Street will be in colour from September onwards 2022·07·29

After the different phases of the competition launched by the BBF and the BDCC, the decision on how to dress the wall that will artistically capture the innovative and entrepreneurial energy of Bilbao-Bizkaia is approaching

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The alliance of universities led by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, chosen to develop the European University project (EU4DUAL), which promotes dual training to resolve European challenges

European Project The alliance of universities led by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, chosen to develop the European University project (EU4DUAL), which promotes dual training to resolve European challenges 2022·07·28

The European Commission has selected it along with only three other new partnerships for the European Universities Initiative.

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Robtrusion premiado en los premios Toribio Echevarria

PREMIO EMPRENDIMIENTO Robtrusion premiado en los premios Toribio Echevarria 2022·07·27

Robtrusion es un proyecto de emprendimiento colaborativo entre Irurena Group y Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa y está especializada en la pultrusión con curado ultravioleta fuera del molde.

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The student Iñigo Ezpeleta Lascurain obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification with 'CUM LAUDE’ mention

THESIS The student Iñigo Ezpeleta Lascurain obtained an OUTSTANDING qualification with 'CUM LAUDE’ mention 2022·07·26

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