
La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación quiere contratar a una o un Técnico en procesos operativos de compra y contabilidad en el área administrativa y financiera

Oferta de empleo La Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación quiere contratar a una o un Técnico en procesos operativos de compra y contabilidad en el área administrativa y financiera 2022·10·04

El plazo para recibir los currículos finalizará el día 7 de octubre.

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Expert certification in Cooperativism: 15 years training cooperativists

COOPERATIVISM Expert certification in Cooperativism: 15 years training cooperativists 2022·10·04

The course, which began on September 30, aims to offer cooperative members knowledge and tools to develop their cooperative socio-business project. This year, 23 people from 14 cooperatives will participate in the course.

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The Be[di]girada research project is underway

RESEARCH The Be[di]girada research project is underway 2022·09·30

The study aims to analyze how to accommodate the philosophical and sociological bases of Digital Humanism in the academic field.

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Foreign exchange Erasmus students arrive at the Eskoriatza campus to take part in the Fall International Education Program

Erasmus Foreign exchange Erasmus students arrive at the Eskoriatza campus to take part in the Fall International Education Program 2022·09·27

This fall, there will be seven students from different European countries in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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Mondragon University publishes the ‘2021 Guide to Children’s and Young People’s Literature’

PUBLICATION Mondragon University publishes the ‘2021 Guide to Children’s and Young People’s Literature’ 2022·09·23

A total of 14 professionals from libraries and educational centers participated in this edition. This project is promoted by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences.

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Hasta el 6 de octubre, abierta la inscripción en la 9ª edición del título experto en Transmisión de la Cultura Vasca

EKT Hasta el 6 de octubre, abierta la inscripción en la 9ª edición del título experto en Transmisión de la Cultura Vasca 2022·09·21

El inicio de la 9ª edición del título experto coincidirá con el inicio del proyecto de los iruneses Iñaki Goikoetxea y Maialen López: “Hemen gaude”, creado en la 8ª edición de EKT, un “road trip” cultural que recorrerá nueve países de Sudamérica.

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Mondragon University and communication agency AZK have organized a conference on brand issues aimed at schools

CONFERENCE Mondragon University and communication agency AZK have organized a conference on brand issues aimed at schools 2022·09·20

On October 27, the Eskoriatza campus will host a conference entitled “Hau da marka! How to make your school’s brand stand out.” Registration is now open.

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The expert course in Chief Learning Office (CLO) begins its calendar of events with an open seminar on facilitation and innovation in companies and an information session on the diploma program

Clo The expert course in Chief Learning Office (CLO) begins its calendar of events with an open seminar on facilitation and innovation in companies and an information session on the diploma program 2022·09·12

On September 29, Borja Garzón will offer a webinar entitled “Learning facilitation, superpowers to help companies innovate.” On October 6, Bea García, Co-Director of the CLO program, will present the keys to the diploma program, which will begin in November.

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This year the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 324 new undergraduates

START OF THE 2022-2023 ACADEMIC YEAR This year the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will have 324 new undergraduates 2022·09·07

The Faculty offers four degree programs: Early Childhood Education, Primary Education, Audiovisual Communication and Global Digital Humanities (HDG).

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A conference was held in Eskoriatza to improve transition processes in schools

Education A conference was held in Eskoriatza to improve transition processes in schools 2022·09·05

On September 5, Mondragon University’s Eskoriatza campus hosted a conference organized in conjunction with Goieskola, the public school association of Debagoiena.

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The alliance of universities led by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, chosen to develop the European University project (EU4DUAL), which promotes dual training to resolve European challenges

European Project The alliance of universities led by Mondragon Unibertsitatea, chosen to develop the European University project (EU4DUAL), which promotes dual training to resolve European challenges 2022·07·28

The European Commission has selected it along with only three other new partnerships for the European Universities Initiative.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will be closed until September 1

VACATION The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will be closed until September 1 2022·07·20

The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will be closed for Summer Break from July 23 to September 1, 2022.

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On October 6 and 7, we will be holding the 'Lurralde Eskola: weaving cooperative territories' conference

CONFERENCE On October 6 and 7, we will be holding the 'Lurralde Eskola: weaving cooperative territories' conference 2022·07·18

The conference is organized by KoopFabrika and will be held in Biziola, Lazkao-Goierri. Registration is now open.

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Convocatoria de contratación para la realización del doctorado en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación en el curso 2022-2023

Doctorado en Educación Convocatoria de contratación para la realización del doctorado en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación en el curso 2022-2023 2022·07·11

Los ámbitos a potenciar son las investigaciones en innovación educativa basadas en la práctica en Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria y Educación Secundaria.

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Conference on the Eskoriatza campus on September 5: ‘Igarobideak, participatory culture and community development'

CONFERENCE Conference on the Eskoriatza campus on September 5: ‘Igarobideak, participatory culture and community development' 2022·07·05

This conference was organized in collaboration with Goieskola, the Debagoiena public school.

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The 2nd year of Communication Camp begins in Aretxabaleta

COMMUNICATION CAMP The 2nd year of Communication Camp begins in Aretxabaleta 2022·07·04

Siete personas participarán en el campus de verano organizado por Goiena Komunikazio Taldea y el grado en Comunicación Audiovisual de Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to hire a Techno-pedagogical Advisor/Content curator

JOB OFFER The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences seeks to hire a Techno-pedagogical Advisor/Content curator 2022·06·28

CVs must be received by July 8

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will be closed on June 29

HOLIDAY The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will be closed on June 29 2022·06·28

On June 29, 2022, the Faculty will be closed for the feast day of the patron saint of Eskoriatza.

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Training session on strategic learning to change organizations

CLO Training session on strategic learning to change organizations 2022·06·27

The event will take place on July 14 from 6:00 to 7:00 p.m. and will be held online. Registration is now open.

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Olalla Juaristi, Outstanding cum laude on her doctoral dissertation

DISSERTATION Olalla Juaristi, Outstanding cum laude on her doctoral dissertation 2022·06·22

The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Bi urteko haurren enkulturazio prozesuarekiko Haur Hezkuntzako maisu-maistren irudikapen sozialak: metodo mistoen bidezko ikerketa” (“Social representations of Early Childhood Education instructors in the process of enculturation of two-year-olds: a mixed-method study”), took place on the Eskoriatza campus.

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The EKKO Project: a program to work on social skills in tweens

Course The EKKO Project: a program to work on social skills in tweens 2022·06·22

The Department of Social Services of the Arrasate City Council, San Juan de Dios Hospital, the Herri School in Arrasate, the Arizmendi School and the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences of Mondragon University are participating in the project.

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On June 20, Mondragon University will analyze the use of surplus materials from companies as an educational learning tool

CONFERENCE On June 20, Mondragon University will analyze the use of surplus materials from companies as an educational learning tool 2022·06·17

A total of 29 educators from 8 schools and their respective students have participated actively in this experience, the results of which will be presented at the 'Biziberritu' conference to be held on June 20 on the Eskoriatza campus.

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On June 27 and 28, a training session and a webinar will be offered to tutors at Vocational Training companies

WEBINAR AND TRAINING SESSION On June 27 and 28, a training session and a webinar will be offered to tutors at Vocational Training companies 2022·06·16

As part of the LanHezi research project, the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences will organize a training session and a webinar aimed at instructors/tutors and directors of Vocational Training companies.

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More and more companies, schools and social agents are participating in actions carried out within the framework of the Mondragon Stem Hub network

WORKING TOGETHER More and more companies, schools and social agents are participating in actions carried out within the framework of the Mondragon Stem Hub network 2022·06·13

The MONDRAGON STEM HUB network is the result of joint work carried out by Mondragon University and the MONDRAGON Corporation with the aim of promoting vocations in Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics among young people, and especially among women. The main objective of the project is the development of STEM skills among young people, and actions are already underway to achieve this goal.

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The STEMotiv project wins second prize in the STEAM Euskadi Awards

STEAM EUSKADI AWARDS The STEMotiv project wins second prize in the STEAM Euskadi Awards 2022·06·09

The competition, organized by the Department of Education of the Basque Government, aims to reward the best practices in scientific-technological education.

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Eragiten Project: a four-year training process with different schools of the Basque School Association

TRAINING Eragiten Project: a four-year training process with different schools of the Basque School Association 2022·06·07

On May 26, the four-year training program ended with a session held on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Iraia Irazusta and Beñat Goia win the 2022 Kimu Berri contest for best presentation of the End-of-Degree Project in Audiovisual Communication

EDPS AND KIMU BERRI AWARDS 2022 Iraia Irazusta and Beñat Goia win the 2022 Kimu Berri contest for best presentation of the End-of-Degree Project in Audiovisual Communication 2022·06·06

In the event held on June 3 on the Aretxabaleta Campus, 4th-year Audiovisual Communication students presented their End-of-Degree Projects and prizes were awarded to the best presentations. The event was streamed from the campus studio.

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Global Digital Humanities students organize a health and mental illness awareness conference

CONFERENCE Global Digital Humanities students organize a health and mental illness awareness conference 2022·06·06

The academic-recreational event organized by 2nd-year students will be held on June 10 at BBK Kuna in Bilbao.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has distributed graduation photos to the students who graduated at the end of the 2021-2022 academic year; the event was held at the Amaia Theater in Arrasate

DISTRIBUTION OF GRADUATION PHOTOS 2021-2022 The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has distributed graduation photos to the students who graduated at the end of the 2021-2022 academic year; the event was held at the Amaia Theater in Arrasate 2022·06·04

The end-of-degree event was attended by 192 students. More than 700 guests packed the room.

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The ad entitled “Kooperatibismoa gara” (“We are cooperativism”), made by a group of students from Mondragon University, wins first prize in the 2022 Euspot contest

Euspot The ad entitled “Kooperatibismoa gara” (“We are cooperativism”), made by a group of students from Mondragon University, wins first prize in the 2022 Euspot contest 2022·06·02

Jone Markuleta, Irene Azkargorta and Danel Terán are 3rd-year students in Audiovisual Communication.

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