
Conference to reflect on the transformation and dynamisation of work centres in Gipuzkoa

JOURNAL Conference to reflect on the transformation and dynamisation of work centres in Gipuzkoa 2023·05·19

The meeting took place within the framework of the ERALDIN project, promoted by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa. Representatives of the Provincial Council, development agencies, universities, research centres and industrial companies, among others, took part in the conference organised by Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea in 9th place in a national level for its graduates' employment outcomes

Ranking Mondragon Unibertsitatea in 9th place in a national level for its graduates' employment outcomes 2023·05·16

Mondragon Unibertsitatea is also in first place among the universities of the Basque Country.

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Hackathon: Entrepreneurship and Silver Economy

MEETING Hackathon: Entrepreneurship and Silver Economy 2023·05·08

24 hours where students, professionals and senior citizens will work together to find the best innovative solutions in the field of population ageing.

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Mondragon University’s Engineering faculties researchers presented their works at the Esaform 2023 congress

CONGRESS Mondragon University’s Engineering faculties researchers presented their works at the Esaform 2023 congress 2023·05·08

The works presented have been developed in collaboration with companies such as Elay, Tubacex, Tecnalia, Ulma Forja, Fagor Arrasate, Transvalor, CEMEF MINES ParisTech, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) and CIE Automotive.

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Students of the Master's Degree in Intelligent Energy Systems visit ULMA Embedded's installations

VISIT Students of the Master's Degree in Intelligent Energy Systems visit ULMA Embedded's installations 2023·05·08

The company's activity is very much in line with the profile of the Master's degree, as the cooperative specialises in offering specialised services for functional prototypes of electronic systems.

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The road to more renewable energy

WEBINAR The road to more renewable energy 2023·05·08

Fundación Repsol and the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Mondragón - Mondragón Unibertsitatea are organising this webinar in which the evolution of renewable energies in Spain will be analysed and these issues will be debated, analysing the main challenges they face in their effective deployment.

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Free webinar on options for backing up universal analytics data before migrating to GA4 definitely with Eli Garcia

WEBINAR Free webinar on options for backing up universal analytics data before migrating to GA4 definitely with Eli Garcia 2023·05·02

This Webinar organised by Mondragon Unibertsitatea took place on May 16th with Eli Garcia, trainer in our Web Analytics courses. She talked about the different options offered by technology to safeguard the history of visits to our website before Google removes access to it. The webinar record is shown below!

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The student Judith Zubia receives the CAF-Elhuyar prize for the best popular science article.

AWARD The student Judith Zubia receives the CAF-Elhuyar prize for the best popular science article. 2023·05·02

Zubia is currently studying the University Master's Degree in Biomedical Technologies at Mondragon University and through the dual programme he combines his studies by collaborating with the Surface Technologies research group.

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Igor Gonzalez de Galdeano with vocational training students

TALK Igor Gonzalez de Galdeano with vocational training students 2023·04·26

Igor González de Galdeano presented the rules of the "Machining Meets Cycling by CERATIZIT" competition to vocational training students.

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A 3-session seminar given by a Mexican expert in Kaizen.

SEMINAR A 3-session seminar given by a Mexican expert in Kaizen. 2023·04·05

The students of the Master's Degree in Logistics and Production Operations Management had an intensive seminar related to Kaizen and process innovation.

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Human-machine collaboration brings us closer to the smart factory

PROJECT Human-machine collaboration brings us closer to the smart factory 2023·04·05

The human factor and support for the 4.0 worker at all stages of his or her working life are the vectors on which the COGILE research project has focused.

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The polytechnic school is committed to improving the employability of professionals in the surrounding companies.

EMPLOYABILITY The polytechnic school is committed to improving the employability of professionals in the surrounding companies. 2023·04·05

A Consortium made up of MONDRAGON, Alecop, Udalaitz, Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Miguel Altuna Lanbide Heziketa Institutua has promoted a qualification and requalification programme for people from Udalaitz and Cikautxo. The project was launched two years ago with a budget of 350,000 euros and has been financed by CEPES, the European Social Fund and LagunAro, EPSV.

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Several students from vocational training courses will do their training placements abroad

INTERNSHIPS ABROAD Several students from vocational training courses will do their training placements abroad 2023·04·04

Romania, Poland and the Czech Republic will host the students for three months, where they will carry out the internships corresponding to the Vocational Training module.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea inaugurates a new medium voltage laboratory aimed at improving the wind energy sector

LABORATORY INAUGURATION Mondragon Unibertsitatea inaugurates a new medium voltage laboratory aimed at improving the wind energy sector 2023·03·27

The commissioning of the new facilities is part of a project driven by the University, Siemens Gamesa, Infineon and SGB-SMIT, and co-funded by the European Commission.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea has chosen the best engineering projects from among the 26 works presented at PBLday 2023

PBLday Mondragon Unibertsitatea has chosen the best engineering projects from among the 26 works presented at PBLday 2023 2023·03·16

The first prize went to the project to separate waste and the second prize to the project to create a domestic wind turbine to convert kinetic energy into electrical energy.

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Students of the Master's Degree in Operations Management visit the Empack and Logistics & Automation fair in Bilbao

VISIT Students of the Master's Degree in Operations Management visit the Empack and Logistics & Automation fair in Bilbao 2023·03·16

The students of the first year of the Master's course went to the Bilbao Exhibition Centre where the most relevant companies in the supply chain management sector gathered and where more than 2300 professionals attended.

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The Faculty of engineering Mondragon Unibertsitatea collaborates with the Alininfinitum initiative to meet the challenge of recycling 2000 aluminium cans.

INITIATIVE The Faculty of engineering Mondragon Unibertsitatea collaborates with the Alininfinitum initiative to meet the challenge of recycling 2000 aluminium cans. 2023·03·15

Several aluminium and recycling companies have joined forces to raise awareness of the importance of recycling aluminium cans. The Polytechnic School has joined the initiative and will collect the cans in machines provided by the Alinfinitum initiative.

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Get up to 200,000 euros to develop cutting-edge solutions for your startup or SME through the European EARASHI project.

PROJECT Get up to 200,000 euros to develop cutting-edge solutions for your startup or SME through the European EARASHI project. 2023·03·14

The Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea participates in this European project that aims to create a community of agents that adopt new AI, data and robotics technologies to apply them to the machine tool production sector.

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Mechatronics engineering students visit Tekniker technology centre

VISIT Mechatronics engineering students visit Tekniker technology centre 2023·03·14

The students were able to experience first-hand the combination of reality and virtual reality thanks to a simulation that is being developed in the Cogile project.

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Mondragon unibertsitatea, first to teach cybersecurity applied to the automotive industry

AGREEMENT Mondragon unibertsitatea, first to teach cybersecurity applied to the automotive industry 2023·03·10

CYBENTIA Group and Mondragon Unibertsitatea collaborate to promote training and research in cybersecurity applied to the automotive industry.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea goes a step further in terms of sustainability and installs 263 solar-res panels on the Arrasate campus in Garaia

SUSTAINABILITY Mondragon Unibertsitatea goes a step further in terms of sustainability and installs 263 solar-res panels on the Arrasate campus in Garaia 2023·03·09

The installation is expected to generate 17% of the energy required by the building's activity. This action is expected to cover 4% of Mondragon Unibertsitatea's total energy needs.

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European project EoLO-HUBs will develop innovative technologies to recycle high value materials from wind turbine blades

PROJECT European project EoLO-HUBs will develop innovative technologies to recycle high value materials from wind turbine blades 2023·03·02

EoLO-HUBs, co-funded with almost 10 million euros by the European Union, will recover glass and carbon fibre from large thermoset structures which have reached the end of their useful life. Engineering Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea is part of the project.

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Special day on human enterprise for Master's students

JOURNAL Special day on human enterprise for Master's students 2023·03·02

Two representatives of Arizmendiarrietaren Lagunak Elkartea with an outstanding professional career gave the talk on Human Enterprise.

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EP4H2 research project develops new converters for electrolysis

PROJECT EP4H2 research project develops new converters for electrolysis 2023·02·28

The EP4H2 project receives funding from the Eusko Jaurlaritza - Basque Government through the Elkartek 2022 programme.

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Energy Engineering Degree project selected by the #Students4Sustainability initiative

COMPETITION Energy Engineering Degree project selected by the #Students4Sustainability initiative 2023·02·27

The project to be carried out by third-year students aims to design and assemble a wind turbine, from the design of the blades and maximising efficiency, to the assembly of the electronics needed to connect it to the grid.

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Master in Strategic Design students 3 days of Learning Journey in Madrid

LEARNING JOURNEY Master in Strategic Design students 3 days of Learning Journey in Madrid 2023·02·21

Students have been able to visit companies that value the importance of the design process and this has allowed them to see real applications of what they study in the classroom and identify where they want to direct their professional careers.

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La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea organiza para principios de marzo cursos sobre la integración de las variables sexo y género en la investigación

CURSOS La Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea organiza para principios de marzo cursos sobre la integración de las variables sexo y género en la investigación 2023·02·20

Capitolina Díaz Martínez será quien dirija las sesiones, una referente en el ámbito de la igualdad que ha sido Consejera de Investigación en la Representación Permanente ante la Unión Europea en Bruselas, Directora General para la Igualdad en el Empleo del Ministerio de Igualdad, presidenta de la Asociación de Mujeres Investigadoras y Tecnólogas, entre otras.

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Estudiantes del máster en Tecnologías Biomédicas realizan un learning journey de 3 días en Madrid

ACTIVIDAD FORMATIVA Estudiantes del máster en Tecnologías Biomédicas realizan un learning journey de 3 días en Madrid 2023·02·20

Esta actividad formativa es un ejemplo de la formación práctica, innovadora y cercana a la realidad que ofrece Mondragon Unibertsitatea ya que permite al alumnado conocer de primera mano la tecnología más puntera y los últimos avances en investigación que se pueden encontrar en el sector Biomédico.

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Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, main points of the second edition of MasterTECH

AWARDING OF DIPLOMAS Artificial intelligence and cybersecurity, main points of the second edition of MasterTECH 2023·02·17

The diplomas of the second edition of MasterTECH were awarded today. MasterTECH is the specialisation programme for professionals in strategic technological areas for Basque industry promoted by the Engineering Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and IKERLAN

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La Escuela Politécnica y Garaje De Ideas firman un convenio de colaboración para el ámbito del diseño estratégico

CONVENIO La Escuela Politécnica y Garaje De Ideas firman un convenio de colaboración para el ámbito del diseño estratégico 2023·02·15

El acuerdo pone especial foco en la colaboración en la promoción de jóvenes estudiantes con talento del Máster Universitario en Diseño Estratégico de Productos y Servicios de Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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