
Kickoff Meeting for the Erasmus+ CoVE EE4M project

MEETING Kickoff Meeting for the Erasmus+ CoVE EE4M project 2023·10·06

On Monday, 02.10.2023, and Tuesday, 03.10.2023, Montanuniversität Leoben hosted the kickoff meeting for the Erasmus+ CoVE EE4M (Engineering Excellence for the Mobility Value Chain) project.

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El alumnado del máster en tecnologías biomédicas visita el hospital de Arrasate para conocer cómo gestionan la planificación del quirófano

VISITA El alumnado del máster en tecnologías biomédicas visita el hospital de Arrasate para conocer cómo gestionan la planificación del quirófano 2023·10·03

La visita está relacionada con la materia trabajada en una de las asignaturas del máster y pretende acercar la realidad del sector hospitalario al alumnado.

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Estudiantes de ingeniería que cursan el itinerario de Energías Renovables y Movilidad Eléctrica visitan la Comunidad Energética de Orexa

VISITA Estudiantes de ingeniería que cursan el itinerario de Energías Renovables y Movilidad Eléctrica visitan la Comunidad Energética de Orexa 2023·10·02

Esta visita ha permitido al alumnado conocer de primera mano un proyecto real que se ha implantado en Gipuzkoa y que responde al reto de la transición energética.

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The H2EXCELLENCE proyect starts with the aim of generating teaching resources on fuel cells and hydrogen

PROYECT The H2EXCELLENCE proyect starts with the aim of generating teaching resources on fuel cells and hydrogen 2023·09·28

Research staff from the Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea specialising in energy are taking part in this project promoted by the European Commission.

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DBZ launches ERALGADI project

PROYECT DBZ launches ERALGADI project 2023·09·26

ERALGADI seeks to promote capabilities for the transformation of SMEs in Gipuzkoa through human-centred design.

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La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea promueve el concurso ‘Industrial Sustainable Entrepreneurship Awards’, y busca ideas de negocio de base tecnológica o start ups que necesiten la ayuda de un estudiante de ingeniería

COMPETITION La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea promueve el concurso ‘Industrial Sustainable Entrepreneurship Awards’, y busca ideas de negocio de base tecnológica o start ups que necesiten la ayuda de un estudiante de ingeniería 2023·09·22

En la convocatoria que se cerrará el 15 de octubre se otorgarán 6 premios de 15.000€ cada una y podrán presentarse tanto proyectos individuales como grupales. El concurso está patrocinado por Grupo Fagor, Orbea, Centro Stirling y Fagor Ederlan.

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Alfa and DBZ launch BIRJOSI proiect

PROYECT Alfa and DBZ launch BIRJOSI proiect 2023·09·21

DBZ will assist Alfa Hogar to explore new business model opportunities in the field of circular fashion through human-centred design

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea y LABORAL Kutxa firman un acuerdo para poner en marcha espacios denominados Aula LABORAL Kutxa

ACUERDO Mondragon Unibertsitatea y LABORAL Kutxa firman un acuerdo para poner en marcha espacios denominados Aula LABORAL Kutxa 2023·09·18

Uno de los espacios estará en la facultad de ingeniería, en Arrasate, y el otro en la facultad de Enpresagintza, en Bilbao.

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa ofrecerá cursos gratuitos para profesionales durante todo el curso 23/24

CURSOS GRATUITOS Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa ofrecerá cursos gratuitos para profesionales durante todo el curso 23/24 2023·09·07

Serán cursos dirigidos prioritariamente a profesionales en activo.

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The road to more renewable energy

WEBINAR The road to more renewable energy 2023·09·06

Fundación Repsol and the Higher Polytechnic School of the University of Mondragón - Mondragón Unibertsitatea are organising this webinar in which the evolution of renewable energies in Spain will be analysed and these issues will be debated, analysing the main challenges they face in their effective deployment.

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2022-2023 course start dates in the Faculty of Engineering

Start of course 2022-2023 course start dates in the Faculty of Engineering 2023·09·04

Bachelor's and Master's degrees and Advanced Training Cycles will begin in September. The Administration and the Academic Secretary of the Faculty of Engineering will open on 1 September.

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Students of the Interuniversity Master in Hydrogen Technologies visit the facilities of the companies Petronor and Carburos Metálicos

VISIT Students of the Interuniversity Master in Hydrogen Technologies visit the facilities of the companies Petronor and Carburos Metálicos 2023·07·18

The master's degree has several sites - Bilbao, Barcelona, Tarragona and Zaragoza - and students from each site visit the leading companies located in their area.

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Se graduan 57 estudiantes de la I promoción del Máster Interuniversitario en Tecnologías del Hidrógeno

PROYECTO Se graduan 57 estudiantes de la I promoción del Máster Interuniversitario en Tecnologías del Hidrógeno 2023·07·17

La mayoría de los y las alumnas ha desarrollado su proyecto final de máster orientado a responder al reto real de una empresa. Entre los proyectos presentados se encuentran el diseño de una pila de combustible para un camión, el diseño de una nueva planta de e-fuel, motores de combustión 100% hidrogeno, un sistema de almacenamiento y transporte de H2 de uso doméstico o la generación de hidrógeno con reactor nuclear, entre otros trabajos

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea organizes the XXVII International Congress on Project Engineering Management (CIDIP 2023)

CONGRESS Mondragon Unibertsitatea organizes the XXVII International Congress on Project Engineering Management (CIDIP 2023) 2023·07·13

The event was attended by more than 200 national and international professionals to discuss and present their latest research related to project engineering management.

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New data scientists are now ready to carry out Artificial Intelligence projects.

COURSE New data scientists are now ready to carry out Artificial Intelligence projects. 2023·07·10

The second edition of the Data Science Expert course for professionals of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has been successfully completed.

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Survey on the skills and competency needs of social economy workers

RESEARCH Survey on the skills and competency needs of social economy workers 2023·07·05

The research is part of the baSE project, Blueprint for Social Economy and Proximity Skills & Advanced Trainings Schemes Adaptable to diverse Social Economy Ecosystem in Europe, funded by the European Commission.

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A student of the Biomedical Engineering degree has received the award for the best poster at the EMRS 2023 congress.

AWARD A student of the Biomedical Engineering degree has received the award for the best poster at the EMRS 2023 congress. 2023·07·03

The work presented by student Malen Razkin is the result of her Final Degree Project.

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Students and alumnae of the Master's Degree in Strategic Design awarded at the LAUS contest

AWARD Students and alumnae of the Master's Degree in Strategic Design awarded at the LAUS contest 2023·06·22

The ADG FAD Laus are the most prestigious national design awards of reference. Called since 1964, this year reached its 53rd edition with 1,200 projects submitted.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea awards the Enpresa Sortuz 2023 grants to start up sustainable technology projects

AWARD Mondragon Unibertsitatea awards the Enpresa Sortuz 2023 grants to start up sustainable technology projects 2023·06·22

The university still has more scholarships that have not yet been allocated, so a second call for applications will open in the fall. Entrepreneurs interested in integrating an engineering student into their business idea can apply when the deadline opens.

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Students of Energy Engineering and Ecotechnologies Engineering in Industrial Processes visit the Fagollaga hydroelectric power plant

VISIT Students of Energy Engineering and Ecotechnologies Engineering in Industrial Processes visit the Fagollaga hydroelectric power plant 2023·06·08

Both degrees are taught at the EKO Campus in Galarreta, Hernani, and the head office is located in the municipality itself.

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Students of Industrial Design Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea obtain three Accésits and the special prize of the public in the National Awards of Packaging and Embassy.

COMPETITION Students of Industrial Design Engineering of Mondragon Unibertsitatea obtain three Accésits and the special prize of the public in the National Awards of Packaging and Embassy. 2023·06·08

The competition aims to promote innovation, design and sustainability in the packaging and embassy sector, strengthening the link between the business and university worlds. In this edition, 636 students from 25 schools participated.

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COMPETITION Mondragon launches the second edition of TFG/TFG awards where more than €18,000 in prizes will be given out 2023·06·07

The registration period is open and the TFG/TFM must have been submitted between October 1, 2022 and September 30, 2023.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Ikerlan and Sustainable Innovations, partners of Fastest, a project to deliver a Fast-Track hybrid testing platform for the development of battery systems

PROJECT Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Ikerlan and Sustainable Innovations, partners of Fastest, a project to deliver a Fast-Track hybrid testing platform for the development of battery systems 2023·06·07

The project has been funded with almost 4.8 million euro.

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Cradles designed by industrial design engineering students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea have been selected in the HAU competition.

COMPETITION Cradles designed by industrial design engineering students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea have been selected in the HAU competition. 2023·06·06

HAU is a Design Contest of Traditional Basque Objects. The objective of this contest is to renew a traditional object of the Basque culture and in this sixth edition the selected object has been the cradle.

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Students of the Degree in Electronic Engineering visit the new Medium Voltage Laboratory of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

VISIT Students of the Degree in Electronic Engineering visit the new Medium Voltage Laboratory of Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2023·06·06

The new 600 m2 medium voltage laboratory will become a benchmark in Europe in the transformation and improvement of the wind energy sector.

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Students of the Master in Intelligent Energy Systems visit CAF Power & Automation facilities

VISIT Students of the Master in Intelligent Energy Systems visit CAF Power & Automation facilities 2023·06·06

The visit is part of Mondragon Unibertsitatea's strategy to bring the reality of the companies closer to the students. In addition to this type of company visits, the strategy also promotes the teaching of classes by company professionals, dual training with paid internships, development of the final master's degree project in the company, among others.

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Webinar on how the prediction of different technological trajectories contributes to the commercialisation of innovations.

WEBINAR Webinar on how the prediction of different technological trajectories contributes to the commercialisation of innovations. 2023·05·31

The webinar will be held on 22 June and there will be a choice of morning or afternoon. This 1 hour session will be free of charge.

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VISIT Students of ecotechnologies engineering in industrial processes visit the Orkli company's plant 2023·05·26

The visit is part of the university's strategy to bring students closer to the local industrial reality. The activity also encourages students to participate in the dual programme, a pathway that allows them to combine their studies with paid work experience in a company.

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Students of the mechatronics engineering degree at the Bilbao As Fabrik campus develop a machine for the manufacture of springs in the laboratories of the Somorrostro centre.

COLLABORATION Students of the mechatronics engineering degree at the Bilbao As Fabrik campus develop a machine for the manufacture of springs in the laboratories of the Somorrostro centre. 2023·05·26

In June 2019, the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea and the Somorrostro Centre signed an agreement for the collaborative teaching of the Degree in Mechatronics Engineering in Bizkaia. This agreement allows students to use the facilities of both entities during the 4 years of the degree course.

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FATECO research project draws to a close

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The project aimed to improve the structural safety of automotive components and was supported and funded by the European Commission through the Research Fund Coal and Steel call for proposals.

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