


The lecturer and researcher at the Polytechnic School has been recognised for her work on her doctoral thesis.

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa to hold its general meeting on 11 february

GENERAL MEETING Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa to hold its general meeting on 11 february 2021·01·20

Due to the pandemic, it will be held telematically.

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An event to address the agility of companies in the design and development of new products and business ideas in a complex day-to-day business environment

SEMINAR An event to address the agility of companies in the design and development of new products and business ideas in a complex day-to-day business environment 2021·01·18

The Higher Polytechnic School is organising a free seminar on 3 February, which can be accessed both in person and online.

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa renews its EKOSCAN certificates

RECOGNITION Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa renews its EKOSCAN certificates 2021·01·18

Two buildings at the Arrasate site are recognised by IHOBE for their environmental work.

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Inauguration Bilbao AS Fabrik

Inauguration Inauguration Bilbao AS Fabrik 2021·01·15

Mondragon University, together with Bilbao City Council, has inaugurated Bilbao AS Fabrik.

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SEMINAR The key to the Demand-Driven enterprise: from traditional MRP to Demand Driven MRP (DDMRP) 2020·12·17

The Higher Polytechnic School organised a conference to raise awareness of DDMRP, an innovative method for materials management.

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Free Webinar on measurement tools for digital marketing

COURSES Free Webinar on measurement tools for digital marketing 2020·12·14

Google Analytics, Analytics 4, Google Tag Manager, Search Console, URL Builder, … they all measure, but what is each one used for? and what are the differences?

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The CASEIB 2020 online conference hosts presentations by two students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea

CONFERENCE The CASEIB 2020 online conference hosts presentations by two students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2020·12·09

A second year student of the Biomedical Technologies master's degree presented his experience of shared learning, while PhD student David Romero participated, presenting a paper on retinal analysis in OCT imaging.

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Research staff from Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and Ikerlan, authors of the best scientific paper presented at the IEEE VPPC conference

CONFERENCE Research staff from Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa and Ikerlan, authors of the best scientific paper presented at the IEEE VPPC conference 2020·12·04

The IEEE Vehicular Power and Propulsion Conference 2020 was held in November and brought together researchers from all over the world.

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa EUSKARAREKIN BAT

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Langileen arteko euskararen ezagutza %89koa da Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoan

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Conference on regenerative medicine for those studying for the Master's Degree in Biomedical Technologies

CONFERENCE Conference on regenerative medicine for those studying for the Master's Degree in Biomedical Technologies 2020·11·19

Cristina Eguizabal, Head of the Research Unit of the Basque Transfusion and Human Tissue Centre, has offered a lecture to Master's degree students to deepen their knowledge about types of stem cells and the research projects that are ongoing in this field.

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The competition aims to invite young people from different disciplines to come up with solutions to make life easier for visually impaired people.

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Those studying for the Industrial Master's Degree receive a lecture about electric vehicles and the automotive sector

LECTURE Those studying for the Industrial Master's Degree receive a lecture about electric vehicles and the automotive sector 2020·11·18

Jose Manuel Cubert Otaño, director of engineering at GKN automotive for the last 25 years, gave a lecture on "The electric car, present and future".

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Mondragon University in Spotify

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Now you can listen to the experts from Mondragon University on the Spotify podcasts

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New edition of ChangeMaker Lab

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If you want to learn about entrepreneurship, want to know the tools to implement your ideas and feel like working in a team, sign up for the annual ChangeMaker Lab activities or choose the one you like the most.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea is holding sessions on the new courses on Artificial Intelligence and for Industry and Artificial Vision with Deep Learning organised by the Spri Group for its Garaia Enpresa Digitala and Bizkaia Enpresa Digitala centres.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea imparte sesiones en los nuevos cursos sobre Inteligencia Artificial para la Industria y Visión Artificial con Deep Learning organizados por el Grupo Spri para sus sedes de Garaia Enpresa Digitala y Bizkaia Enpresa Digitala.

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Men's Group meetings resumed for the third consecutive year

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The Biteri Hall of Residence and the Elkarhezitzen and Piper Txuriak associations have started the meetings for the third year in a row, with the aim of exploring and working on masculinity from the perspective of sincerity, humility and respect.

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Thesis defense of Dorleta Ibarra

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Title of the thesis: "Business model innovation in small and medium-sized enterprises: an exploration of key drivers and performance implications". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE CUM LAUDE qualification and INTERNATIONAL DOCTOR mention .

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Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa pone en marcha el espacio de orientación ZTIMUlab

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La web ZTIMUlab ofrece talleres, exposiciones, formaciones y una gran variedad de actividades dirigidas al alumnado y profesorado de los centros escolares con el objetivo de fomentar las temáticas STEM en los más jóvenes, especialmente entre las mujeres

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea, together with the nuclear medicine unit of The Rioja Health Foundation, patents a system to improve the visualisation of breast cancer lesions.

PATENT Mondragon Unibertsitatea, together with the nuclear medicine unit of The Rioja Health Foundation, patents a system to improve the visualisation of breast cancer lesions. 2020·10·19

The Rioja Health Foundation has already used the two models manufactured at Mondragon Unibertsitatea with more than 150 oncology patients. Doctors report that the proposed solution helps to reduce scattered radiation by 80 per cent, making it easier to visualise lesions.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea to bring together over 100 international experts on 14-16 October in a world-class congress on cybersecurity

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The RAID 2020 congress – International Symposium on Research in Attacks, Intrusions and Defences – will be a virtual meeting where international experts will debate and present the results of their research on computer attacks, detection methods, and defines techniques.

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Thesis defense of David Garrido Diez

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Title of the thesis: "Impacto de los semiconductores de banda prohibida ancha en el diseño de convertidores de potencia". Obtained the SOBRESALIENTE qualification.

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BDIH Konexio: Scientific - technological equipment of the university at the disposal of basque companies

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The Basque Government has promoted the launch of the BDIH Konexio grants, an initiative that makes scientific-technological equipment available to Basque companies available to members of the Basque Science, Technology and Innovation Network.

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Engineering students in industrial design awarded in the 11th National Packaging Design and Sustainability Awards

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea students have obtained the first prize and two second-place prizes in the challenges proposed by the companies Natra and Apisol

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4th. Basque Project Managment Congress: Development of agile organisations

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The conference will be held on 14 October in face-to-face and online formats simultaneously, addressing key techniques and aspects of agile management that facilitate the transformation of the organisation.

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Free WEBINAR on the latest news from Power BI with Ana María Bisbé

WEBINAR Free WEBINAR on the latest news from Power BI with Ana María Bisbé 2020·09·15

This Webinar organised by Mondragon Unibertsitatea will be held on 22 September by Ana María Bisbé, a trainer in our Business Intelligence courses, in which she will be showing us news related to data consultation and handling; new DAX options and expressions; incorporation of new visuals, such as the Azure Map; the optimisation made in Q&A; and news in the configuration of the view for mobile devices. Do not miss this webinar!

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Three researchers from Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa have presented their papers at the ETFA2020 conference

CONFERENCE Three researchers from Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa have presented their papers at the ETFA2020 conference 2020·09·14

The conference brought together the latest technological advances in the field of industrial automation, one of the most relevant specialties of Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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Start of the course Dates and times of the start of the Mondragon Goi Eskola 2020·09·03

The first day of the course will be held on a face-to-face basis for all levels. Higher Degree Training Cycles will begin on 7 September, first-year students of Engineering Degrees will start their classes so on 10 September, and finally, the second-, third- and fourth-year students and Master’s Degree students will start on 14 September

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