Science week at the Orona-Ideo campus


Science week at the Orona-Ideo campus


Science week at the Orona-Ideo campus

The second week of November marked the science week at the Orona-Ideo campus. The initiative, held since 2008, brings together every year about 250 students from the 4th year of secondary school



The science week of 2019 took place starting on 12 November on the Orona-Ideo campus of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, in Hernani.  The initiative, which has been underway since 2008, brings together about 250 students from the 4th year of Secondary School (ESO). The goal of the science week is to show students the real applications of what is studied in class, so that they can understand the dimension of science in all its complexity. For this, the technological ecosystem offered by the Orona-Ideo campus is used, bringing together the university, the company (Orona) and the technology centre (Ikerlan) in the same space. The students of the 4th year of Secondary School who visited Orona-Ideo during the week participated in workshops and activities developed by the engineering students of Mondragon Unibertsitatea, addressing topics such as physics, chemistry, and materials. The research staff of Orona and Ikerlan also explained their work, as it symbolises the applicability of science and technology in the industrial world.