
Invitados por Mondragon Unibertsitatea y TeamLabs, representantes de 26 escuelas catalanas han tenido la oportunidad de conocer de primera mano los proyectos más innovación de varias escuelas vascas

Innovación educativa Invitados por Mondragon Unibertsitatea y TeamLabs, representantes de 26 escuelas catalanas han tenido la oportunidad de conocer de primera mano los proyectos más innovación de varias escuelas vascas 2021·05·07

Los y las 26 representantes de Escoles FEDAC están participando en el curso ofrecido conjuntamente por Mondragon Unibertsitatea y TeamLabs y que tiene como objetivo impulsar la innovación en los centros educativos.

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26 representatives from Catalan schools will come to the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences to study innovation projects in Basque schools in situ

EDUCATIONAL INNOVATION 26 representatives from Catalan schools will come to the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences to study innovation projects in Basque schools in situ 2021·05·04

For two days, May 7 and 8, representatives from Escoles FEDAC will attend seminars, visit schools, and receive feedback from experts in educational innovation so that they can improve the innovation projects that they design in the course.

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Online course on the strategies and practice of co-teaching in the classroom

ONLINE COURSE Online course on the strategies and practice of co-teaching in the classroom 2021·04·28

The online course entitled “Co-teaching experiences in the classroom” consists of 20 hours and will begin on May 3.

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Oxel Azkarate: “Based on students’ self-perception, we offer a tool to measure the characteristics that influence the profile of the Cooperative Person”

INTERVIEW Oxel Azkarate: “Based on students’ self-perception, we offer a tool to measure the characteristics that influence the profile of the Cooperative Person” 2021·04·14

The dissertation “Creation and validation of the KOOPHEZI-i tool to measure the profile of the Cooperative Person among young students,” defended by Oxel Azkarate in March on the Eskoriatza campus, earned the cum laude designation. We spoke with the author about his research.

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El próximo 9 de abril, presentaremos en Barcelona el máster universitario Lit

Máster Lit El próximo 9 de abril, presentaremos en Barcelona el máster universitario Lit 2021·03·26

En el acto participan dos de las coordinadoras del máster: Edurne Galíndez de Mondragon Unibertsitatea y Beatriz García de TeamLabs.

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Oxel Azkarate earns the excellent cum laude designation for his doctoral dissertation

DOCTORAL DISSERTATION Oxel Azkarate earns the excellent cum laude designation for his doctoral dissertation 2021·03·23

The defense of the dissertation, entitled “Creation and validation of the KOOPHEZI-i tool to measure the profile of the Cooperative Person among young students,” took place on the Eskoriatza campus.

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Knowledge transfer, main topic of the new issue of the journal ‘Jakingarriak’

Jakingarriak Knowledge transfer, main topic of the new issue of the journal ‘Jakingarriak’ 2021·03·22

The journal, which is published by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences, was founded in 1985. Issue 79 is now available online.

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On March 24, there will be a webinar to discuss the facilitation of innovation by school management

Webinar On March 24, there will be a webinar to discuss the facilitation of innovation by school management 2021·03·09

The talk will be led by researcher Arantza Ozaeta with participants Amaia Antero from Arizmendi Ikastola and Iñigo Beristain from Bastida Herri Eskola.

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Webinar on March 18: “Key to facilitation in hybrid contexts: teens and social networks”

webinar Webinar on March 18: “Key to facilitation in hybrid contexts: teens and social networks” 2021·03·01

The webinar, which begins at 6:00 pm, will be offered by Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences instructors and researchers Eneko Bidegain and Aitor Zuberogoitia

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences presents a guide, a course and open webinars to foster student talent

Publication The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences presents a guide, a course and open webinars to foster student talent 2021·02·24

The MOOC and webinars on talent will take place in March and are aimed at high school, vocational training and university teaching staff.

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Faculty researchers gave a talk on teacher training at the ‘Zuzendarien Elkargunea’ meeting organized by the Department of Education

Meeting Faculty researchers gave a talk on teacher training at the ‘Zuzendarien Elkargunea’ meeting organized by the Department of Education 2021·02·08

The meeting, organized by the Department of Education of the Basque Government, was attended by the directors of all Basque public schools.

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On February 11, open webinar on platforms, tools and tricks for online facilitation

MASTER LIT On February 11, open webinar on platforms, tools and tricks for online facilitation 2021·02·01

The webinar will be offered by Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences professor and researcher Edurne Galíndez. The talk will start at 6:00 pm.

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On February 8, we will hold the public accreditation event for the doctoral program in Educational Innovation and Intervention.

DOCTORAL PROGRAM On February 8, we will hold the public accreditation event for the doctoral program in Educational Innovation and Intervention. 2021·02·01

El pograma de doctorado está creado conjuntamente por Mondragon Unibertsitatea y la Universitat de Vic–Universitat Central de Catalunya.

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Larraitz Esnaola and Alexander Barandiaran present their book, an examination of experimentation with children

PUBLICATION Larraitz Esnaola and Alexander Barandiaran present their book, an examination of experimentation with children 2021·01·21

The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences researchers published their work, entitled “Esperimentazioan sakonduz biziberritu” (“Enliven by examining experimentation”), with publishing house HikHasi. The presentation of the book was held on the Eskoriatza campus.

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26 centers belonging to the Catalonian FEDAC Schools association will receive training in educational innovation offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and TeamLabs

New Roles for Learning in Education (ROL) 26 centers belonging to the Catalonian FEDAC Schools association will receive training in educational innovation offered by the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and TeamLabs 2021·01·18

Representatives from Escoles FEDAC will pursue our new ‘Specialist Diploma in New Roles for Learning in Education (ROL)’, which we designed in conjunction with TeamLabs. The new program is aimed at schools.

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Collaboration agreement signed with the Zumaiena educational organization to promote educational innovation

COLLABORATION AGREEMENT Collaboration agreement signed with the Zumaiena educational organization to promote educational innovation 2021·01·17

The event took place on the Eskoriatza campus on January 12. Representatives from both institutions took part.

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KoLaborategia investigates teenagers’ social media habits

Research KoLaborategia investigates teenagers’ social media habits 2021·01·13

KoLaborategia, the laboratory for Education and Communication for the Digital Society based in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences at Mondragon University, has analyzed social media trends among 15- and 16-year-olds.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has published a book that describes the process involved in the Faculty’s new educational model

PUBLICATION The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has published a book that describes the process involved in the Faculty’s new educational model 2020·12·18

Faculty researchers Ainara Imaz and Nagore Ipiña have compiled the key points of the innovative educational model and the details of the transformation process.

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Beñat Flores: “The university is an excellent educational stage for boosting creativity”

Interview Beñat Flores: “The university is an excellent educational stage for boosting creativity” 2020·11·16

Beñat Flores earned the cum laude designation for his international dissertation entitled “Exploring the impact of Design Thinking on higher education students’ creative self-efficacy / Design Thinkingaren eragina aztertzen unibersitate ikasleen auto-eraginkortasun sortzailean,” which he defended in October.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and Ibermatica have created a tool called “Focusing Talent”

research and transfer The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences and Ibermatica have created a tool called “Focusing Talent” 2020·11·13

The purpose of the project is to help students in their 4th year of Compulsory Secondary Education choose the direction of their studies. The project received funding from the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

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Mondragon University in Spotify

Social Networks Mondragon University in Spotify 2020·11·12

Now you can listen to the experts from Mondragon University on the Spotify podcasts

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Itziar Arregi: “Play is essential not only in child development, but also in the development of most animal species”

interview Itziar Arregi: “Play is essential not only in child development, but also in the development of most animal species” 2020·11·11

Itziar Arregi defended her dissertation in July, earning the cum laude designation.

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has published two books proposing scales to measure the profile of the cooperative individual

KOOPHEZI PROYECT The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has published two books proposing scales to measure the profile of the cooperative individual 2020·10·07

The books include two scales to measure the profile of the cooperative individual in student youth and workers.

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Researcher Itziar Arregi awarded summa cum laude for her doctoral dissertation

doctoral dissertation Researcher Itziar Arregi awarded summa cum laude for her doctoral dissertation 2020·07·16

Arregi defended her dissertation, entitled “A case study of free play by children aged 2-6,” on the Eskoriatza campus.

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KoLaborategia ofrece en abierto diversos tutoriales y recursos sobre educación y digitalización

KoLaborategia KoLaborategia ofrece en abierto diversos tutoriales y recursos sobre educación y digitalización 2020·04·24

KoLaborategia es el Laboratorio de Educación y Comunicación para la Sociedad Digital de Mondragon Unibertsitatea

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Dualeca 2020: debating blended learning tutor training, January 27 on the Eskoriatza campus

DUALECA conference Dualeca 2020: debating blended learning tutor training, January 27 on the Eskoriatza campus 2020·01·09

Michel Ramos from the University of Montpellier, among others, will participate in the symposium, which was organized in collaboration with the University of Lleida and the University of Andorra.

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Conference on Queer pedagogies and their contributions to Education

LIT MASTER’S DEGREE Conference on Queer pedagogies and their contributions to Education 2020·01·09

The conference will be led by professor and researcher Mercedes Sánchez Sáinz and will take place on January 25 in Bilbao.

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Se reunen 22 agentes gipuzkoanos en el campus de Aretxabaletako para debatir en torno al talento

investigación Se reunen 22 agentes gipuzkoanos en el campus de Aretxabaletako para debatir en torno al talento 2019·10·31

El objetivo de la sesión ha sido definir las diferentes dimensiones del talento.

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A group of 14 Brazilian instructors will study cooperative education in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences

BRAZILIAN FACULTY MEMBERS A group of 14 Brazilian instructors will study cooperative education in the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences 2019·10·21

The instructors from the Brazilian state of Paraiba will be at Mondragon University for two months.

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Mondragon University and TeamLabs launch a program that prepares students to be a “Chief Learning Officer” (clo): a new type of executive that is key in business

SPECIALIST DIPLOMA Mondragon University and TeamLabs launch a program that prepares students to be a “Chief Learning Officer” (clo): a new type of executive that is key in business 2019·10·18

The blended learning 30-ECTS Specialist Diploma in Chief Learning Officer is the first official qualification for facilitating learning processes and innovation in corporations.

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