
Students of HUHEZI in the course of acrobatics in cloth

Acrobatics in cloth course HUHEZI Students of HUHEZI in the course of acrobatics in cloth 2019·02·06

The participants will know and practice this modality during 5 sessions in Escoriaza.

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Higher-Level Training Cycles of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa open their doors to companies from the Alto Deva region

OPEN DOORS Higher-Level Training Cycles of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa open their doors to companies from the Alto Deva region 2019·02·06

The collaboration of companies is a key element in the educational model of the Higher-Level Training Cycles of Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa (MGEP), a collaboration that has been demonstrated during the open day for companies, which was held on 6 February.

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Students of the Medium Degree Cycle of Microcomputer Systems and Networks of Arizmendi Ikastola visit Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa

COLLABORATION Students of the Medium Degree Cycle of Microcomputer Systems and Networks of Arizmendi Ikastola visit Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa 2019·02·06

Mondragon Unibertsitatea and Arizmendi Ikastola collaborate frequently in different educational activities and initiatives. This time, they have joined forces around the Computer Science Training Cycle.

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Ya han llegado a la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación los estudiantes de Erasmus del programa de primavera

erasmus Ya han llegado a la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación los estudiantes de Erasmus del programa de primavera 2019·02·05

Seis estudiantes provenientes de Bélgica, Holanda y Turquía cursarán el Programa de Educación ofrecido Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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La jornada “Aniztasun soziala eskolan: komunitatearen Ahotsak” tendrá lugar el 16 de febrero, en la Escuela de Profesores de Donostia

Jornada La jornada “Aniztasun soziala eskolan: komunitatearen Ahotsak” tendrá lugar el 16 de febrero, en la Escuela de Profesores de Donostia 2019·02·04

La jornada la han organizado asociación Hik Hasi y la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación y el plazo de inscripción se abrirá en enero.

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Xavier Marcet,

Video Summary Xavier Marcet, "The Keys to New Management" 2019·02·04

Xavier Marcet shows us in this video the bases of his presentation "The keys of the New Management"

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Students of the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Technologies of Mondragon Unibertsitatea travel to Madrid to learn about the latest innovations in the sector

LEARNING JOURNEYS Students of the Master’s Degree in Biomedical Technologies of Mondragon Unibertsitatea travel to Madrid to learn about the latest innovations in the sector 2019·02·01

The Simulation Hospital of the European University of Madrid, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, and the company Medtronic were the places visited during their stay in the city.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches the POCTEFA Programme in conjunction with the Conectartecon centre

PROGRAMME Mondragon Unibertsitatea launches the POCTEFA Programme in conjunction with the Conectartecon centre 2019·02·01

The purpose of Conectartecon, the Innovation and Training Centre for the development of Assisted Self-Leadership with Horses, is to generate and jointly develop innovation projects alongside Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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European project DRIVES, an ERASMUS +Blueprint Sector Skill Alliance for the automotive sector, celebrates its first year of operation

PROJECT European project DRIVES, an ERASMUS +Blueprint Sector Skill Alliance for the automotive sector, celebrates its first year of operation 2019·01·31

Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa is one of the 24 members of the European Consortium DRIVES, whose purpose is to implement the objectives of the Blueprint through the establishment of a Skill Alliance for the Automotive Sector. The project began in early 2018, which has led the members to meet and assess the point where the initiative is located.

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We went skiing to Formigal

SKI TRIP We went skiing to Formigal 2019·01·31

From Sunday to Tuesday we have been skiing in Formigal.

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Last Wednesday the indoor-football tournament of GEP was played

Indoor-Football tournament GEP Last Wednesday the indoor-football tournament of GEP was played 2019·01·30

3 teams participated in the indoor-football tournament of GEP

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La catedrática Capitolina Díaz ofrecerá un curso sobre la perspectiva de género y su análisis en la investigación en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación

jornada investigación La catedrática Capitolina Díaz ofrecerá un curso sobre la perspectiva de género y su análisis en la investigación en la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación 2019·01·30

El “Curso de formación y asesoramiento sobre la inclusión de la perspectiva de género y su análisis en la investigación” se celebrará dentro de la Jornada Pedagógica e Investigación.

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Skiing trip

SPORT AND HEALTH Skiing trip 2019·01·28

The Biteritarras organized a skiing trip to Astún on January 26 and 27.

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Last Thursday the football 7 tournament of HUHEZI was played

Football 7 tournament HUHEZI Last Thursday the football 7 tournament of HUHEZI was played 2019·01·28

5 teams participated in the football 7 tournament of HUHEZI

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HUHEZI workers have started with the Pilates course

Pilates course HUHEZI HUHEZI workers have started with the Pilates course 2019·01·25

From January to April you can enjoy Pilates sessions on the Eskoriaza campus.

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Professors David Balloy and Paulo Martins visit Mondragon Unibertsitatea

VISIT Professors David Balloy and Paulo Martins visit Mondragon Unibertsitatea 2019·01·25

Mondragon Unibertsitatea and, specifically, its research group “Advanced Processes of Material Forming” hosted in January 2019 the visit of professors David Balloy and Paulo Martins, from the Universities of Lille (France) and Lisbon (Portugal), respectively.

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea organiza una ‘sala de escape’ para que 50 jóvenes de bachiller demuestren su talento empresarial

GazteGotalent Mondragon Unibertsitatea organiza una ‘sala de escape’ para que 50 jóvenes de bachiller demuestren su talento empresarial 2019·01·25

Se trata de un concurso, denominado gazteGOTalent, dirigido a jóvenes a los que les guste el mundo de la empresa Las y los participantes deberán enfrentarse a seis retos relacionados con el mundo empresarial que pondrán a prueba su talento para comprar, vender, inventar, negociar…

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Members of the Road2DC projects meet to assess the first year of activity

PROJECT Members of the Road2DC projects meet to assess the first year of activity 2019·01·24

Road2DC is a projectfinancedby the Department for Economic Development and Infrastructures of the Basque Government and is headed by Mondragon Goi Eskola Politeknikoa, with the objective of creating new tools for designing and controlling hybrid AC/DC distribution networks.

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The revenue of the Korrontzi Dantzan spectacle has been donated to the Arrasateko Mundu Solidarioa association

SOLIDARITY The revenue of the Korrontzi Dantzan spectacle has been donated to the Arrasateko Mundu Solidarioa association 2019·01·24

The social council of the Higher Polytechnic School of Mondragon Unibertsitatea has decided to donate to the AMS Arrasateko Mundu Solidarioa association the revenue from the tickets of the last event of the 75th anniversary of the entity.

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Presentada la octava edición del concurso Euspot: Beneficios del ejercicio físico. ¡Muévete y vive!

Concurso Euspot Presentada la octava edición del concurso Euspot: Beneficios del ejercicio físico. ¡Muévete y vive! 2019·01·24

Ayer, día 23 de enero, presentamos en la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa la octava edición del concurso de spots en euskera Euspot.

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Self-care course

SPORT AND HEALTH Self-care course 2019·01·23

From October to April, every Wednesday from 9:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. in the multifunctional room of Biteri.

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Javier Martínez participará en el encuentro sobre el rol del docente organizado por KoLaborategia el próximo 7 de febrero

KOLABORATEGIA Javier Martínez participará en el encuentro sobre el rol del docente organizado por KoLaborategia el próximo 7 de febrero 2019·01·22

La conferencia “Rol del docente en la sociedad digital” se celebrará en el campus de Eskoriatza a partir de las 18:00 horas.

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The first session of the Men’s Group initiative in Biteri

WORKSHOP The first session of the Men’s Group initiative in Biteri 2019·01·21

The Biteri Hall of Residence and the Elkarhezitzen and Piper Txuriak associations have organised the Men’s Group meeting in order to promote a training initiative on issues related to equality.

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The three winners of the Spanish final of “University entrepreneurs 2019” are LEINN team entrepreneurs

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The three winners of the Spanish final of “University entrepreneurs 2019” are LEINN team entrepreneurs from Mondragon Team Academy, the international network of Mondragon University

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Jornada Jornada Whatsapp Marketing 2019·01·17

En el marco de la Comunidad #MUDigital se ha organizado una jornada con Luis Nóvoa, CEO de Enviawhatsapps.

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SOCIOCULTURAL Men’s group 2019·01·16

Piper Txuriak, Elkarhezitzen and Biteri collaborate to launch an initiative: Men’s group in Arrasate.

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Los investigadores Igor Ortega y Aitzol Loyola publican el libro “Territorio, retos y cooperativismo”

LANKI Los investigadores Igor Ortega y Aitzol Loyola publican el libro “Territorio, retos y cooperativismo” 2019·01·15

El libro, publicado por el Instituto de Estudios LANKI, tiene 119 páginas recoge los principales resultados del estudio “Aportación de las cooperativas a los retos del tejido productivo vasco”.

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The Gastronomy Group continues tasting Basque flavors

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The members of the Gastronomy Group of Biteri face a new challenge: to make the Basque cake.

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Discover The Keys Of The New Management

Open discussion Discover The Keys Of The New Management 2019·01·14

Come to the open discussion organized in Bilbao Berrikutza Faktoria with Xavier Marcet as key speaker.

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