
NiZuGu MUgituz fortnight

NiZuGu MUgituz fortnight NiZuGu MUgituz fortnight 2023·02·16

Our students took part in the NiZuGu MUgituz fortnight

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Talk with the monks of Udala

TALK Talk with the monks of Udala 2023·02·16

We have had a talk with the monks of Udala to talk about the decisions we make in our lives

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La Escuela Politécnica y Garaje De Ideas firman un convenio de colaboración para el ámbito del diseño estratégico

CONVENIO La Escuela Politécnica y Garaje De Ideas firman un convenio de colaboración para el ámbito del diseño estratégico 2023·02·15

El acuerdo pone especial foco en la colaboración en la promoción de jóvenes estudiantes con talento del Máster Universitario en Diseño Estratégico de Productos y Servicios de Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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Un proyecto final de grado de una alumna de Diseño Industrial se muestra en el museo del automóvil de Autostadt

PROYECTO Un proyecto final de grado de una alumna de Diseño Industrial se muestra en el museo del automóvil de Autostadt 2023·02·15

El proyecto ETHOS se desarrolló en colaboración con CAF y fue parte de la exposición MOTION, AUTOS, ART, ARQUITECTURE de Norman Foster para el Guggenheim de Bilbao

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El campus de Galarreta (Hernani) acogerá durante esa semana cursos, talleres y seminarios dirigidos a profesionales.

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La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea vuelve a participar en el workshop para la gestión y la implantación digital en la industria 4.0

JORNADA La Escuela Politécnica Superior de Mondragon Unibertsitatea vuelve a participar en el workshop para la gestión y la implantación digital en la industria 4.0 2023·02·14

La IV.edición de la jornada organizada por el Colegio de Ingenieros Industriales de Bizkaia cuenta con la colaboración de EUSKALIT, Sisteplant y Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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19 foreign students will come to the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences for the Spring International Program

International mobility 19 foreign students will come to the Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences for the Spring International Program 2023·02·13

Students from nine different countries will do programs in Communication and Education.

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La red MONDRAGON ZTIM HUB que fomenta vocaciones científicas entre mujeres, elabora videos para visibilizar a mujeres referentes en su ámbito

MONDRAGIN ZTIM HUB La red MONDRAGON ZTIM HUB que fomenta vocaciones científicas entre mujeres, elabora videos para visibilizar a mujeres referentes en su ámbito 2023·02·13

Por el momento han participado en la iniciativa STEM Experiencias, trabajadoras de Fagor Electrónica, Ikerlan, Polmetasa y la Escuela Politécnica de Mondragon Unibertsitatea. El objetivo es que la experiencia de estas mujeres en el ámbito cien-tífico tecnológico, sirva de ejemplo para otras mujeres

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea and TeamLabs value the work done together with the City Council of Malaga in the Young Entrepreneurs Talent Festival

Entrepreneurs talent festival Mondragon Unibertsitatea and TeamLabs value the work done together with the City Council of Malaga in the Young Entrepreneurs Talent Festival 2023·02·10

With this festival, Mondragon Unibertsitatea, TeamLabs and the Consistory have highlighted the positive impact generated with the different activities they have organized in their first year in the city

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The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has organized a conference in Bilbao to discuss literacy in multilingual contexts

Multiplier event The Faculty of Humanities and Education Sciences has organized a conference in Bilbao to discuss literacy in multilingual contexts 2023·02·10

The conference analyzed the literacy of students who do not study in their family language and examined whether their academic and personal results are as expected.

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Anjana Data and the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea join forces for training in Data Governance and Analytics

Data Gobernance Anjana Data and the Business Faculty of Mondragon Unibertsitatea join forces for training in Data Governance and Analytics 2023·02·09

Anjana Data and the Faculty of Business of Mondragon Unibertsitatea join forces for training in Data Governance applied to the business area

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Half of the finalists of the prestigious international GSEA awards are from the LEINN Degree

Awards Half of the finalists of the prestigious international GSEA awards are from the LEINN Degree 2023·02·09

3 of the 6 GSEA (Global Students Entrepreneurs Award) finalists are currently in the third and fourth year of the LEINN (Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation) Degree respectively

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Cursos sobre transición ecológica y economía circular dirigido al tejido socio-económico de Gipuzkoa

CURSOS Cursos sobre transición ecológica y economía circular dirigido al tejido socio-económico de Gipuzkoa 2023·02·09

La formación será gratuita y esta dirigido a todo tipo de empresas de Guipuzcoa. Las sesiones se podrán seguir en euskera o castellano. La primera sesión, online, será el 15 de febrero. Financiado por el departamento de Promoción Económica e Innovación de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa.

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95 students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea have been skiing in Formigal

Ski trip Formigal 95 students from Mondragon Unibertsitatea have been skiing in Formigal 2023·02·08

We have returned very satisfied after having been able to enjoy the snow in very good conditions and with few people.

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The 3rd year of Communication Camp, run by Mondragon University and Goiena, will be held the first week of July

Communication Camp The 3rd year of Communication Camp, run by Mondragon University and Goiena, will be held the first week of July 2023·02·07

The Goiena Communication Group and Mondragon University have announced the third year of Communication Camp for the summer. The camp will take place the first week of July, from the 3rd to the 7th. Registration is now open.

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Amaia Lersundi:

Interview Amaia Lersundi: "The linguistic requirements of each discipline vary, not only with respect to terminology, but also in the ways of constructing and communicating knowledge” 2023·02·06

The dissertation "Analysis of Subject-Specific Literacies in a Multidisciplinary Project in Upper-Secondary Education. Case Study" defended by Amaia Lersundi on the Eskoriatza campus in January, earned a rating of cum laude with the international designation. We spoke with the author about her research.

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Group dynamics

GROUP DYNAMICS Group dynamics 2023·02·06

Group dynamics to get to know each other better with a group of Brazilians

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The student Diego Alexis Aragon Sotelo obtained an OUTSTANDING CUM LAUDE qualification

THESIS The student Diego Alexis Aragon Sotelo obtained an OUTSTANDING CUM LAUDE qualification 2023·02·03

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This week the finals have been played in Bilbao

Winter Championships Bilbao This week the finals have been played in Bilbao 2023·02·02

The futsal, paddle tennis and frontennis finals (men's and women's) have been played

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The student Andrea Sánchez Fernández obtained an OUTSTANDING CUM LAUDE qualification with 'INTERNATIONAL DOCTORATE' mention

THESIS The student Andrea Sánchez Fernández obtained an OUTSTANDING CUM LAUDE qualification with 'INTERNATIONAL DOCTORATE' mention 2023·02·02

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Students of Ecotechnologies in Industrial Process Engineering design and manufacture more sustainable, lighter and stronger all-terrain skateboards.

PROJECT Students of Ecotechnologies in Industrial Process Engineering design and manufacture more sustainable, lighter and stronger all-terrain skateboards. 2023·02·01

During the end-of-semester project, the students were able to put into practice the knowledge and skills acquired in the classroom. This experience gives them the possibility to face the real challenges of the manufacturing industry that they will face in their future career.

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The short film 'Irrits' by Maider Oleaga has won the 2023 Huhezinema festival

HUHEZINEMA The short film 'Irrits' by Maider Oleaga has won the 2023 Huhezinema festival 2023·01·28

The awards ceremony of the short film festival organized by Mondragon University students in Audiovisual Communication was held in the Arkupe Room in Aretxabaleta.

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Around 400 students in the winter football 7 and handball championship

Football 7 and handball championships Around 400 students in the winter football 7 and handball championship 2023·01·27

Yesterday the football7 and handball winter championships were played at the Arrasate facilities.

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1st Meeting on trends of power electronics

SCIENTIFIC MEETING 1st Meeting on trends of power electronics 2023·01·27

The meeting organised by Mondragon Unibertsitatea will feature talks by international researchers from the University of Tennessee Knoxville, North Carolina State University and Technical University of Denmark.

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The Euspot competition has announced the theme for 2023: ‘I want to work in science and research!’

Euspot The Euspot competition has announced the theme for 2023: ‘I want to work in science and research!’ 2023·01·25

The twelfth annual Euspot Basque ad competition aims to bring science and research to young people. This year, the main sponsor is the Basque Country 2030 Science, Technology and Innovation Plan.

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LEINNers from Mondragon Unibertsitatea start an experience in Navarra to end the depopulation of the villages

Project LEINN LEINNers from Mondragon Unibertsitatea start an experience in Navarra to end the depopulation of the villages 2023·01·25

They have created an incubator called VIVID to respond to the challenge of depopulation that benefits the people and young people

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Alumni Lecture Series 2023

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The second edition of the Alumni Lecture Series will start on 14 February

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Lur Zufiria is the winner of the Strava draw Winner of the December Strava challenge 2023·01·24

118 people have completed the December challenge

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The 16th annual Huhezinema Basque short film festival will begin on Wednesday

HUHEZINEMA The 16th annual Huhezinema Basque short film festival will begin on Wednesday 2023·01·23

The festival will be held on January 25-27 in the Aretxabaleta Culture Center. The awards ceremony will take place on Friday, in an event that will begin at 7:00 p.m. A total of 84 short films were submitted this year.

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Amaia Lersundi, outstanding ‘cum laude’ on her internacional doctoral dissertation

Doctoral Dissertation Amaia Lersundi, outstanding ‘cum laude’ on her internacional doctoral dissertation 2023·01·20

The defense of the international dissertation "Analysis of Subject-Specific Literacies in a Multidisciplinary Project in Upper-Secondary Education. Case Study" took place on the Eskoriatza campus.

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