International News

New press release from Mondragon University regarding the effects of the 2019-2020 academic year on the exceptional situation of the coronavirus pandemic.

Coronavirus New press release from Mondragon University regarding the effects of the 2019-2020 academic year on the exceptional situation of the coronavirus pandemic. 2020·04·07

Following the agreement adopted by the rectors of the Basque University System and the Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, Mondragon University has decided to end the course in online modality

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Coronavirus challenge

Coronavirus Coronavirus challenge 2020·04·07

Send us your suggestions or questions

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Communiqué from Mondragon University regarding the effects of the 2019-2020 academic year on the exceptional situation of the coronavirus pandemic

Covid-19 Communiqué from Mondragon University regarding the effects of the 2019-2020 academic year on the exceptional situation of the coronavirus pandemic 2020·04·03

This morning a meeting was held between the rectors of the Basque University System and the Regional Minister of Education, Cristina Uriarte, in which the current situation was analysed and a follow-up meeting was scheduled for next week.

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The new RDL of 29 March regulating recoverable paid leave for employees providing non-essential services does not affect Mondragon University's online academic activity

Covid-19 The new RDL of 29 March regulating recoverable paid leave for employees providing non-essential services does not affect Mondragon University's online academic activity 2020·03·30

The academic activity of the Mondragon University, carried out from their homes by the students and teaching staff of Mondragon University, will not be affected by the new RDL 10/2020 of 29 March. In other words, as in previous weeks, Mondragon University's academic activity will continue to be carried out online.

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Mondragon University takes up the challenge of fighting the spread of the coronavirus and is now offering all its academic activity online

Covid-19 Mondragon University takes up the challenge of fighting the spread of the coronavirus and is now offering all its academic activity online 2020·03·19

The Rector of Mondragon University thanks both the students and staff of the University for their efforts and the collaboration shown in this accelerated adaptation to online learning, making the challenge of combating the spread of the coronavirus our own

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From today Mondragon University will offer its services in telework mode

Covid-19 situation From today Mondragon University will offer its services in telework mode 2020·03·15

Only those workers from the university whose activities require the university facilities will have access to the university.

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Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia visits Mondragon University

Visit Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia visits Mondragon University 2020·02·26

The Academic Vice-rector, Jon Altuna, has received the Colombian visit

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Ya han llegado a la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación los estudiantes de Erasmus del Programa de Primavera

Erasmus Ya han llegado a la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación los estudiantes de Erasmus del Programa de Primavera 2020·02·04

Ocho estudiantes provenientes de Polonia, Bélgica, República Checa y los Países Bajos cursarán el Programa de Educación ofrecido Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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The international recognition granted to four Bachelor`s Degrees and two masters aligns with the internationalization actions of Mondragon University

Awards The international recognition granted to four Bachelor`s Degrees and two masters aligns with the internationalization actions of Mondragon University 2019·10·31

In the evaluation done by Unibasq, 2 masters of Mondragon University have also been recognized with the Dual signature. With these there are 17 degrees and masters with Dual mention.

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Iker Arrizabalaga is the winner of the last action of KoNet

Participation Iker Arrizabalaga is the winner of the last action of KoNet 2019·10·28

The question has been: which has been the best song of the summer for you?

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea gestionará 60 becas Global Training en colaboración con la Universidad de Deusto

Becas Mondragon Unibertsitatea gestionará 60 becas Global Training en colaboración con la Universidad de Deusto 2019·07·12

400 jóvenes podrán acceder a las becas Global Training para hacer prácticas empresariales en el extranjero.

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Mondragon University has received the visit of a delegation of Costa Rica

Visit Mondragon University has received the visit of a delegation of Costa Rica 2019·06·07

Mondragon University has received the cooperative of credit and savings Coopeande and Fundepos University

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Mondragon University is included with other five universities of the state in a raking that has done U-Multirank

Ranking Mondragon University is included with other five universities of the state in a raking that has done U-Multirank 2019·06·05

Mondragon University keeps the first position in transference in the State and improves 4 places in Europe changing from the 37th to the 33rd.

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International Days

Event International Days 2019·05·13

Mondragon Unibertsitatea will celebrate the second edition of its International Days.

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Ya han llegado a la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación los estudiantes de Erasmus del programa de primavera

erasmus Ya han llegado a la Facultad de Humanidades y Ciencias de la Educación los estudiantes de Erasmus del programa de primavera 2019·02·05

Seis estudiantes provenientes de Bélgica, Holanda y Turquía cursarán el Programa de Educación ofrecido Mondragon Unibertsitatea.

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Meeting of ApprenticeshipQ consortium in London

Meeting Meeting of ApprenticeshipQ consortium in London 2018·12·17

Josu Galarza and Ainhoa Ullibarriarana have participated in the first consortium meeting of this course held in London

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Mondragon Unibertsitatea, invitada como ponente en el Congreso CIIE sobre innovación educativa

Congreso Mondragon Unibertsitatea, invitada como ponente en el Congreso CIIE sobre innovación educativa 2018·12·12

El Rector, Vicente Atxa y parte del Consejo de Dirección de Mondragon Unibertsitatea se encuentran en México para participar en el Congreso Internacional de Innovación Educativa del Tecnológico de Monterrey.

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Food collection

Campaign Food collection 2018·12·10

This action is part of the program UnibertsitARTEAN taken with higher formation centers in Gipuzkoa.

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Improving apprenticeships quality

Project Improving apprenticeships quality 2018·12·04

Mondragon University is collaborating in the ApprenticeshipQ Project co-funded by the Erasmus + programme of the European Union.

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First Lego League MicroFLL MONDRAGON-INNOBASQUE 2018·11·29

Take part in the voluntary work of Micro First Lego League MONDRAGON – INNOBASQUE. Be an active part in the event that is going to take place the next 19th January.

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