Objectives and competences

Official Degree

Master's Degree in Business Administration - MBA



1 year








DOC Catalogue

Objetives and Competences

The general degree objective is to provide to both young graduates and active professionals the necessary competences to manage and lead organisations and companies in uncertain environments and global contexts.

To achieve this, the programme presents a multidisciplinary vision of business management, integrating various knowledge sets, relevant competences, and skills that  will allow participants to become involved in modern companies and in the so-called “new economy”.

Furthermore, the research training path will allow researchers to actively participate in the processes of knowledge creation and transmission within the scope of business management and alignedwith the research lines developed in the Business Faculty of   Mondragon Unibertsitatea. Without doubt, the development of the knowledge society requires the design of a system of higher education which facilitates both a broad social access to knowledge, and analytical, critical and communicative personal training, which allows the processing of knowledge information and its exchange and debate within the world of science, international institutions and civil society.

The specific objectives of the MBA Masters Degree in Business Management are listed below:

  • Develop in participants a systemic view of the company, promoting the capacity for decision-making in a global environment.
  • Promote key competences for the development of effective leadership of people and teams.
  • Encourage an entrepreneurial spirit to be able to lead innovation processes and develop new business opportunities.
  • Equip participants with solid knowledge of the most advanced techniques of business management.



Competences that students should acquire during their studies, and which will count towards the award of the degree.

The competences that students who attend the courses must achieve fall under three types: basic, masters specific, and subject specific.

General Master Degree Competences

Students attending the MBA Masters Degree in Business Management will acquire the following general competences: 

  • CG1 -  Capacity for analysis and synthesis of business information for the definition and implementation of global strategies that promote the sustainability of business, generating positive outcomes for the environment.
  • CG2 - Capacity for working in multidisciplinary teams in the role of leader at different levels of the organisation (corporate, business, and functional). 
  • CG3 - Capacity for decision-making in complex environments, managing the inherent risks and the expectations of the interest groups of the organisation to ensure the viability of business.
  • CG4 - Capacity for updating and adapting to new situations that directly impact on routines and organisational culture.
  • CG5 - Ability to encourage the participation of staff within the organization, to generate a sense of belonging and a shared project vision that impacts on the social business results.